Just how insecure are Muslims? – IOTW Report

Just how insecure are Muslims?

Gulf News –

Man shoots male doctor for assisting his wife’s delivery in Saudi Arabia – Shooter claims that woman gynecologist should have assisted in delivery.

Dr Muhannad Al Zabn, who has a Jordanian father and a Saudi mother, delivered the baby one month ago at the King Fahad Medical City in the Saudi capital Riyadh.

According to media reports, the father went to the hospital and told the doctor he wanted to see him to thank him for helping his wife with the delivery of the baby, Saudi news site Sabq reported on Thursday.

The two met in the garden of the hospital and during the conversation, the shooter took out a gun he had concealed under his clothes and fired at the doctor.

As the Saudi father fled the scene, medics rushed the victim to the emergency department then to the intensive care unit. The shooter was later arrested by the police.


ht/ chabanais

10 Comments on Just how insecure are Muslims?

  1. “However, some commenters argued that women gynecologists should always be given priority in the delivery of babies in order to avoid cultural clashes”
    If you can’t stand the First World, get out of it.
    There’s plenty of scrub land and mud out in the empty quarters of the world to build yourself a little hovel and you can make hats out of cow shit for all I care.
    Hang this fifth century bastard, and sterilize his male children

  2. Because I’ve taken advanced first aid courses, I know how to deliver a baby and have had to use this knowledge more than once.

    A birth is a miraculous, awe-inspiring event, but it’s also incredibly messy, and painful to the mother. Does this asshole think that the males of the delivery room staff is going to be turned on by all the blood, goo, panting, pushing, and screaming? Has he no faith in the doctor’s professional ability to maintain a clinical attitude about the mother’s sexual organs?

    The husband is a bigger douche than JohnS.

  3. Long story short. I was have a few barely pops last night with the neighbor when we got to talking about another lady neighbor. She busted hubby cheating on her years ago, then a Muslim entered her world. He seemed like a nice enough guy, enrolled in med school, yada, yada. Recently though he hasn’t been around and she appears to have gone full butch. The neighbor says the insecure Muslim banged her and then broke things off.

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