Just in- I’m on Twitter Lockdown for calling people morons, meanwhile the left can say Kavanaugh is a rapist and that is perfectly acceptable – IOTW Report

Just in- I’m on Twitter Lockdown for calling people morons, meanwhile the left can say Kavanaugh is a rapist and that is perfectly acceptable

43 Comments on Just in- I’m on Twitter Lockdown for calling people morons, meanwhile the left can say Kavanaugh is a rapist and that is perfectly acceptable

  1. Oh dear. Oh dear.

    This really is pretty bad, isn’t it, Fur? ….Lady in Red

    PS: I do so hope Trump people are monitoring this. We need a red wave…. Shutting down you, #WalkAway, more…. (hell, I liked a lot of Alex Jones!) is bad, bad. We need the red wave…. ….and we must speak.

  2. I was kicked off Twitter in March. Then I found this place. I’m OK. Who needs to read the leftist’s stupid opinions and their hate?

    I know what they’re all about and don’t need daily reminders.

    I advise leave Twitter before the inevitable – them kicking you out.

  3. sorry to hear that. But do champion on.
    I’ve been having discus posts dumped lately- just vaporized. It is going around.
    (actually, I’ve had posts here that linked to AJ never appear. When I tried to repost, I was told I had already posted that. Think it has happened twice recently)

  4. I created an “unsafe environment” because I called some people loons, morons and assholes.
    Meanwhile, I’m a Trumptard, a retard, a racist, a NAZI, a white guy (meant to demean) a redneck,

    None of that is an “unsafe” environment for me.

    I guess they have to protect the thin-skin pussies… namely, beta, cuck, fag leftists.

  5. Time to #FlitterAway from Twitter. Millions of conservatives should just leave a last post giving their new IDs on gab. Can still read everything that, e.g., Trump has to say on Twitter — without the annoying responses.

  6. Fur, you’re such a Kavanaugh. Expect to be subpoenaed in the A.M.

    Also… Brad. Nice move. You just Dukes of Hazzarded me. Now I’m all speechless like the sheriff on that show. “You..gggetz nhicarilliely….”
    while waving my cowboy hat.

  7. Fur, lately, there has been some doxxing going on your site from “anonymous”. You may need to look into that! I’m not saying that’s why. But it may be a part of it “whoever” their is within their “calculations”!

  8. BFH insult people using iOTW inspired phrases that might confuse an algorithm or a millennial, “your face looks like a chocolate st*rfish and your brain runs on a Dutch rudder.”

    Well, something like that anyway. 😬

  9. LIR

    Do you sign your name at the bottom because you forgot who the fuck you are by the time you get finished typing your crap? I’m pretty sure you have “Lady In Red” scribbled on a recipe card next to your computer. That and kill babies. I’d estimate less then 10% of my comments here have been about guns. I’ll leave it to you to verify. WTF?

  10. Lady, you instigated. The hell did you expect? Brads all worked up like a swabby on shore leave. Full of rotgut whisky and post adolescent angst. Meanwhile, Furs pining away and needs a mans reassuring touch. WHY CAN’T YOU LET THEM LOVE!?!?!?!?!

  11. You both need a spa massage. Together. Bwahahaha. I hate the word spa and would never go to one unless I could smoke and drink Vodka Martinis while being spaad.

    But I might enjoy seeing you two, Moetom and COD all lined up being spaad.

  12. boo hoo, yeah, I know what you mean, since i was ex’d off that site, so i really have no sympathy at all for twits. deal with it and adapt. there are many other viable medium outlets, you just have to find and use them.
    go west. you’ll be amazed. even if you can’t afford it.

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