Just In – Terror Attack in France? – IOTW Report

Just In – Terror Attack in France?

  1. French Riviera city of Nice is under terrorist attack on Bastille Day – at least 12 dead and many injured, says local prefecture.

  2. ‘Several dead’ after truck crashes into crowd at Bastille Day celebrations in Nice ‘terror attack’

    Fears of terrorism

     A truck has crashed into a crowd of revelers celebrating Bastille Day in the French city of Nice – prompting fears of terrorism, Peter Allenreports.

    Horrific images depicting men and women lying on the side of a road close to the Promenade des Anglais appeared on social media.

    Videos and photographs also showed thousands fleeing in panic following reports of loud explosions.

    Fireworks were filling the night sky as the drama unfolded, as the crowds enjoyed July 14th, which is always a Bank Holiday in France.

    The country is still under a State of Emergency following last year’s attacks on Paris, when almost 150 people were murdered by Islamic State and Al-Qaeda operatives.

    Both groups are well known for driving vehicles into innocent people, prompting fears that tonight’s incident could be linked to their activities.

    Bastille Day, which celebrates the storming of the Bastille prison in Paris during the French Revolution of 1789, is the country’s biggest public holiday.

    This is apparently the truck that hit a crowd of people in Nice:

    Deaths reported as lorry drives into crowd of Bastille Day revellers in southern French city of Nice tonight – police fear terrorist attack.

    Videos are surfacing of people fleeing in panic after the crash.

    Dozens are said to be injured.

    There were reports of gunshots and people have been told to stay inside.


41 Comments on Just In – Terror Attack in France?

  1. If there was ever a time to stiffen the spine, and grab the groin, now is that time.
    Time for the Frenchies to grab some bricks and sticks, and invade those “no-go zone” quoranimal neighborhoods, and drive the muzzies all the way through France to the Mediterranean sea.
    Let the muzzies swim to their new home. . . even if it is Davie Jone’s Locker.

  2. 73 dead, driver of truck confirmed dead
    hey Frenchies …. look on the bright side …. at least it probably wasn’t the Krauts this time

    … coming to a United States near you …..

  3. Freaken news media kills me. “It’s to early to call the terrorism”, as the camera pans past the windshield of the truck riddled with bullet holes. Nice grouping by the way.

  4. Woodman yet again you hit the target.
    France needs to fight it’s own Zoot Suit war.
    I say ten thousand Frog Sailors with some axe handles go and chase these goat molesters down the peninsula.
    Call Spain and tell them to expect company.

  5. Hey BFH, our spirits need lifting.
    Maybe you could run that video of the set to between those Russian Yoots and the Son’s O’ Mohammad again.
    Even my dog Angus likes that one.

  6. Middle east is asking for pledges of $millions to built a mosque where the Eifel tower is.
    Barry has them on speed dial, French President doesn’t mind, the French have retreated and expected to capitulate.

  7. Keep in mind that Obama and Mashed Potato Face along with their accomplice Hillary have become the enablers who have deliberately fast-tracked Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon.

    There’s no doubt in my mind that Islam will, by DESIGN, use a nuclear weapon as soon as they can against the civilized (non-islamic) world.

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