Just like a totalitarian, Chuck Todd will change how you hang toilet paper in your house – IOTW Report

Just like a totalitarian, Chuck Todd will change how you hang toilet paper in your house

In an interview, the leftist douche, Chuck Todd,  said he will actually change the toilet paper in your house if you’re hanging it wrong.

The nerve.

To make matters worse, he changes it TO UNDER!!!!!

I don’t want any arguments out of you deranged types out there. THE PAPER GOES OVER!!!!!

If I have to say JIFF instead of the hard gee GIF, when referring to the image file format .gif, because that’s the way the inventor says it, well… behold—

The toilet paper inventor says OVER.

Case closed.

ht/ illustr8r

54 Comments on Just like a totalitarian, Chuck Todd will change how you hang toilet paper in your house

  1. My late wife preferred it “under.” That was because her long fingernails made it easier that way.

    Lacking similar long nails, I prefer it “over.”

    We reached a compromise. The one who changed the expended roll got to choose the direction of the hang. Side effect was a race to change the expired roll…so we always had fresh toilet rolls.

    My secondary conclusion: women and faggots (or effeminate men) prefer “under” while real men prefer “over.”

    Just sayin’.

  2. Along with many other disturbing personality quirks he seems to have a unhealthy fixation with matters of a scatological nature.For the safety of the public he should be involuntarily detained and medicated.

  3. I’m not a germophobe, but-
    If it is under, think about the fingers that bump against the wall when fishing out the paper. Especially the previous fingers- you know, the ones that weren’t yours. It is a little like inoculation.
    Behind the paper roll is a good place for some good cleaning.

    todd should get a job at the port-a-potty factory. He could work as a template. He is the perfect asshole.

  4. OVER for crap’s sake. A herd of cats have never messed with the toilet paper. Under is just wrong and makes my skin crawl. I admit to being a little OCD about that OVER also loading the dish washer and of course I am right .

    I didn’t read Chuck Todd because who cares.

  5. I started hanging it under when I was 4 years old. I pulled too much out, and by flipping the roll around, I was able to re-wind it. Been doing it the same way for the same reason ever since. It also tears off easier if hung under.

  6. Bet Chuck didn’t offer complete instructions, if he stopped short of washing your hands after the deed.

    That is, if you hang it improperly, you probably also use it improperly by sticking a finger through the paper while wiping and then don’t wash your hands. Even if you use it properly, you should still wash your hands because sometimes fingers have a mind of their own. For example, do you know what your fingers do when you sleep?

  7. At this point, what difference does it make?

    So did he wash his hands before or after handling the bog roll? If afterwards, somebody else’s rectal region was innoculated with Chuckie’s intestinal flora. See a doctor. Soon.

  8. Over or under is a matter of personal preference, and there seem to be very strong preferences. (I prefer over.) It’s the strong preferences that’s the important part. Using somebody else’s bathroom and changing the paper to your way is just about the same as saying, “Fuck you!” to your host. It simply isn’t done by civilized and courteous people.

    p.s. If you can’t deal with using a roll hung the “wrong” way from time to time, there’s something wrong with you.

  9. Stranded, stranded on the bathroom bowl.
    What do you do when you’re stranded,
    and you don’t have a roll?

    Well you know you’re a man so you must use your hand
    And you do! When you’re stranded.

    Sung to the tune of the theme for the tv series Branded. Apologies to Chuck Conners.

  10. Stranded!
    Sittin’ on the toilet bowel.
    What do to you when you’re stranded, and you can’t reach a roll.
    You prove you’re a man and you use your hand….Aaaawoooooo….


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