Just saw this on Sanford and Son – IOTW Report

Just saw this on Sanford and Son

I was channel surfing. Caught this just at the right time.

It’s amazing that this would get broadcast in 2020.

24 Comments on Just saw this on Sanford and Son

  1. That’s because our generation could handle it. Today All in the family, Saturday Night Live (the early days) and many others would be met with protests and demands for cancellation upon their first episodes. Now shows have to follow the mentality of the cancel culture to survive. Our generation just shuts off the TV and goes on with our lives. Perhaps that’s the problem?

  2. Red Foxx was a great comedian.

    Look up some of the original Dean Martin Friars Club roasts – they were absolutely brutal to all comers on those. (My favorite was Foster Brooks).

  3. When my dad passed years ago he had very little but he did have a lot of Redd Fox and Mom’s Mabley cassette tapes I pull out and listen to on occasion. Mom’s was a dirty ol’ gal.

  4. Loved Red’s stand-up routine after he became well known for Sanford and Son.
    People would bring their children to see him. He would inform them, using a
    trademark cigarette lighter that shot 3 feet from his waist to light a smoke,,,
    “You pick the wrong night to bring the Kids,,,”
    Than the foulest funniest show would begin,,,
    a true epic comedian!

  5. Progressives are too busy wrecking the economy with the Commievirus to care about snowflake political correctness. That’s so three years ago – Now everyone’s expendable. They have lost interest in racial censorship.
    “Sandford and Son” and “All in the Family” were some of the best comedies ever made. Norman Lear couldn’t resist reviving, word for word, his own shows during Live broadcasts last fall on ABC.
    Believe it or not, the ratings for those shows were high among millenials. Go figure.

  6. ^^^Got to wash your ass!^^^
    Classic,,, TY, and
    not to be forgotten,,
    Row, Row , Row your boat,,,

  7. One of my dearest treasures is the shared memories of this show and all the golden quips that came from it, with my dad. We still FREQUENTLY quote lines from it today, and that was one of the greatest. “It’s enough niggas in here to make a tarzan movie!”
    Sheer comedy gold. But strictly not suitable for snowflake millenials… you big Dummy!


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