Just Say No – Finland Teaches Its Citizens How Not to Be Raped By Muslim Savages – IOTW Report

Just Say No – Finland Teaches Its Citizens How Not to Be Raped By Muslim Savages

Via Pamela Geller-

36 Comments on Just Say No – Finland Teaches Its Citizens How Not to Be Raped By Muslim Savages

  1. The sad thing is the Finns believe it’ll work–maybe I should offer to sell them some waterfront property that I have….they can see it when the tide goes out.
    She’d be better off with a 9mm in one of her hands.

  2. Yes, they do.
    That is why women are kept completely covered and not allowed outside without an escort.
    It is part and parcel to the belief system that men are incapable of other than savagery.

  3. Are those superhero mittens on sale anywhere or is there a kick starter I can fund? They look really effective. I hope Bernie can get us all some for free and maybe a Pony too.

  4. Actually what the burqa or chador or any kind of Muslim dress is signaling – if you molest this woman, the full force of shari’a law will descend upon you. Either that, or the full fury of the female’s clan will descend upon you, as they defend the clan’s honor. That’s what shari’ah law is all about; preventing eruptions of clan warfare over the issue of purity of the clan’s women.

    What that means for you as a young man is that all Muslim women are completely off limits. This tends to create extreme sexual frustration, which is at the root of this rape and grope and goat epidemic — raping non Muslim women or humping goats doesn’t trigger clan reprisal; so “mish mushkilah” (no problem)

  5. When I’m President ALL girls will be taught progressively more advanced self defense techniques in Middle and High school, and shooting and firearm safety.
    At High School graduation (or GED completion) every girl will be issued her handgun.
    I expect the term Bitch Slapped to have a different meaning in a decade or so.

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