My Prediction- I’m Going To Nail This Quiz – IOTW Report

My Prediction- I’m Going To Nail This Quiz

Identify the 70s song by opening lyric.

There are 30 of them (too long, but I’ll play) and they multiple choice (makes it a cake walk.)

I predict 26, or better, correct.

2 of em that I missed made me pissed.

I was too hasty.

32 Comments on My Prediction- I’m Going To Nail This Quiz

  1. I would do better at 1960 songs.
    By the 70’s I was into classical music
    Trying to hang around a classical pianist and impress her with my knowledge.
    Didn’t work but I tried really hard.
    Way out of my class talent wise.

  2. 25. I guessed at a bunch of them and got lucky. Graduated high school in the early 70s but being in Cleveland, mostly what we listened to was Motown on CKLW out of Detroit. I got the Marvin Gaye’s right.

  3. I was a DJ on the FM side in the 70’s. I talked up every song ever made.
    I still hear them in my nightmares sometimes. I missed the cue and lost my job, nightmare
    Or table froze and the record wouldn’t play.
    I got them all and wish I didn’t.

  4. i hate all pop music, no matter the era. also, for some reason, i have never understood or paid attention to lyrics. i only really hear the music. all this makes my love of death metal easier, because you can’t understand the lyrics anyway, and the music effing rocks!

  5. I am so ashamed to say this, but I was studying to be a DJ in the late 70s, so these songs should have come instantly to me. I was just not into pop music then, as I am not now. I loved classical and jazz. Ask me anything about those genres and I would have gotten all the questions right.

  6. You scored

    24 out of 30

    Turns out my expertise in 70s hits is narrowly concentrated in a limited range that doesn’t include disco or soft rock.

    I think if I actually heard the first few notes and read the accompanying lyrics I’d of gotten most of them.

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