Just Some Good Clean Fun – IOTW Report

Just Some Good Clean Fun

For the Firemen’s parade in Arcadia, IA they put a person with a Hillary mask and prison jump suit into a mobile cage and paraded through town inviting bystanders to throw water balloons. It was a big hit.


Watch for the left to respond with something over the top, profane and reprehensible.

17 Comments on Just Some Good Clean Fun

  1. “Watch for the left to respond with something over the top, profane and reprehensible.”

    …involving Hitler, feces and a naked Melania, maybe? No, that’s too tame for Dems.

  2. Stories like this are one of the reasons I think these Poll number are bogus. Last month the Trump campaign raised just about as much money as Hitlary off of $15.00 freaken donations. Very little if any Corporate money. That’s a lot of people. The IG military and gun guys are all about Trump. They represent a huge number of followers, mostly young people. The only place I see any support for Hillary is young people straight out of college. To stupid to know better. I’m not buying these poll numbers.

  3. I agree Bad_Brad. Trump has overflow crowds, Hillary hides or has more reporters than attendees (non-paid for). The Democrats making statements that for the good of the Republican Party, they should get rid of Trump.

    If Trump was so bad that it was a shoo-in election for Dems, why would they be so concerned about the “good” of the Republican Party? They want this to be a one party country.

  4. The left, in the comments section, are lunatics.

    “American Taliban. Seriously. These are the same methods employed in real life by ISIS and the Taliban. Shame on the “parents” who encouraged children to join in. They’re raising a new generation of irrational idiots”


  5. The situation with the crowd differences is due to Trump’s better showmanship.
    He is just plain more fun to watch than Hillary. He says and does entertaining things.
    There is a downside to that. News organizations need viewers. As long as Trump’s show draws more eyeballs than Hillary’s scandals, the Hillary stuff will be relegated to the back pages.

  6. I noticed there were a few Hillary supporters from Little Rock on the news this morning complaining about their “Hillary 2016” yard signs being torn to shreds and thrown into the street.

  7. B Woodman, that was my first thought, because conservatives don’t try to make a point that way – with leftist tactics.
    I hope it was Bernie supporters, though. 😉

  8. the next poll to watch is the Nehlen/ryan poll on the ninth. When Nehlen creams the little eddie munster lookalike that that tell us who will win in nov.

    Other polls of interest are the attendance at Trumps rallys and at the bitches. Quite obvious to me who is gonna win.

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