Just Take It – IOTW Report

Just Take It

11 Comments on Just Take It

  1. all this shit is made by little children in sweat shops in the third world toilet countries with their corrupt as shit gov

    don’t buy
    nike has other brands that they sell that is made in the same way
    check out the internet for other brands that are part of nike

    kill this evil

  2. WDS- LOL!!!
    F4UCorsair- There were photos of Bernie up close in 2016 where he’s holding up his cell phone. The cell phone was covered in greasy blotches and his suit was sprinkled with dandruff. UGH! He turns my stomach. For many reasons.

  3. I worked with a guy that had the same cleanliness as Sanders. One day in the office, I picked up the office phone right after he used it and felt something. It was enough ear wax to make a cathedral candle.

    (((((S H U D D E R)))))))


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