Just To Drive the Left Nuts – IOTW Report

Just To Drive the Left Nuts

22 Comments on Just To Drive the Left Nuts

  1. How about one of the richest men on the planet circumvents the propaganda media, who all say what they’re told to talk to the rich guy who has shown he will do the job and not take any salary, showing how unselfish they are?

    Shut up and go back to your commie he**hole if you hate this place so much. And take that Army lanyard you probably got for free from the recruiting table at the mall with you.

  2. Mmmyeah, sure. All rich people are selfish rich assholes. They never had to work a day in their lives. They should be just like Biden, who never worked a day in his life. But at least the demonrats are generous… with your money you asshole. The only selfish rich assholes I have ever heard of are second and third generation assholes that piss away their family foundations on retarded liberal causes and policies because they hate their hard working patriarchs.

  3. I have to wonder how many rolls of toilet paper that asshole needs to wipe his asshole?

  4. He just described his heroes KamalMao and Lock Step Walz. Two rich a**holes who will make sure the lunatic ranting a**hole goes broke if they win the election.


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