Just to hammer the Kathy Griffin coffin permanently closed – IOTW Report

Just to hammer the Kathy Griffin coffin permanently closed

ht/ American Lookout

21 Comments on Just to hammer the Kathy Griffin coffin permanently closed

  1. I guess this is known as “edgy” humor by the “intellectuals” among us. She’s rude & crude. Didn’t she attempt to ruin the careers/reputations of others? Bullying, no?

  2. Not mention Kathy Griffin again??? Are you kidding?
    We need to make her name synonymous with having a career end because of having a big fat leftist mouth, and never let them forget it.

    ‘Gahead, Griffin yourself, you dumb bint.”

  3. As she continues to make it worse, the Left will soon refuse to respond whenever her name is mentioned. It’s what they do with inconvenient persons…simply unperson them. Airbrush her out of existence like Trotsky. Our national case of chronic ADD will allow it to succeed.

  4. I bet she has had her starfish bleached lollipop blue so she could tell everyone, “Hey everyone! I’ve had my starfish bleached lollipop blue!”

  5. BFH the ass shot is so disturbing please stop please!
    I never knew she said this about Palins son. Disgusting!
    and now she plays the victim?

  6. Funny, I dumped a big, bloody Griffin this morning … had sausage and sauerkraut for dinner yesterday – with lots of jalapeño mustard.

    Looked just like her – Mercurochrome hair, mud-flaps, and all …

    (yeah, pretty disgusting – but then, she IS a “progressive”)

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. As long as Kathy Griffin has a career after what she’s done, we need to keep publicizing it. I mean, what this latest bit of news shows is that may people on the Left are trying to help her salvage her career.

    She’s no outlier. This is what they are. This is how they’ve always been. They’ve simply been hiding it for fifty years

  8. I keep seeing that photo of Kathy Griffin’s rear end. Is that truly her? What is wrong with her butt? What an odd bod! I wouldn’t normally criticize someone’s body, but I feel that Jihadi Kathy is fair game.

  9. Lefties just go along with the crowd. If others laugh, they laugh. If others are outraged, they are outraged. This is what makes the Lefties so easy to control…truly sheep, with some select “thought leaders” to show them the way.

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