Just Want To Honor a Hero – IOTW Report

Just Want To Honor a Hero

The man pictured, Jason Seaman, is a 7th grade science teacher in Indiana. He tackled a person firing a gun in his classroom, taking three shots. He is in good condition. Unfortunately a 13 year-old girl is in critical condition.

Yes, today another sick-in-the-head copycat shooter loser went on a rampage. It’s odd that they seem to go to schools. Where on earth would they get such an idea???

Millions of guns sat inert today, harmless until someone with a sick, evil motive picked it up. This is not a gun problem, this is a people problem.

I had someone on Twitter say to me, after a good guy with a gun stopped a bad guy with a gun, “seems to me if no one had guns no one would be shot.”

I asked him where this fairytale land exists, the one that has no guns. The government could seize every gun tomorrow, and the bad guys would have guns the day after tomorrow because it is the 21st century. You can 3d print an AR-15. And guess what? They will be printed and sold on the black market.

He didn’t respond back.

What we are witnessing is a diseased mental culture, and it got that way, I am positive, because of the left.


31 Comments on Just Want To Honor a Hero

  1. Kids no longer read, they don’t know Aesop, Dickens, Plato, Socrates, Shakespeare, so many dead white men who formed the ethical basis of a civil West. Hell, they don’t know Mother Goose, all they know now is Mother Goose has a wife.
    It’s the lack of a central plan for children to follow and emulate.
    It’s the “instant celebrity” ignorant mindset, and the unethical press willing to give it to the undeserving. Look no further than Camera Hogg for an example.
    Screw diversity, it’s a carbuncle on the ass of Western Civilization.

  2. My wife is a middle school teacher at a school right in the middle of the projects. At least they have and use metal detectors and have an armed school resource office on site and in the building at all times that the students are in the building. She will be retiring in 2 years…..unless I yank her out, even if I have to take a 2nd and possibly a 3rd job to take care of her/us.

    For the record, she is a 7th grade teacher.

  3. @Chiggerbug – Hope your wife stays safe!
    And that teacher in IN is a hero! G-d bless him.
    Now I have to worry about my son who is a teacher in a high school. And knowing him, he’ll bull-rush any threat.

  4. “You can 3d print an AR-15”

    In the spirit of keeping it real. Don’t go there. Chamber pressure of a 556 round is about 60,000 psi. Stick with 3d printed small caliber pistol cartridges. The truth of the matter is an AR-15 is like Legos. It’s a “modular gun”. You can build it from a variety of parts starting with the lower receiver. The U.S. is filthy with them, both registered and 80%. And even filthier with component parts. I try and throw “Modern Sporting Rifle” back in their faces when arguing with libtard Communists. Because that is what that weapon has evolved to. Also when they hit you with “you can’t hunt with it” point out to them that the weapon is available in a variety if different cartridges. Most very suited for hunting.
    This guy in the story has some big balls.

  5. Don’t go there? Why?
    The AR-15 is the left’s boogey man, and YOU CAN PRINT ONE.
    So why wouldn’t I use the argument that would undercut their BAN THE AR-15 mantra?

    You can ban it for people who follow the law. The people who break the law will have anything you could miraculously banish from earth by the end of the week because we have 21st century technology.

  6. BFH

    I pass that info along in case you run into somebody that is somewhat knowledgeable about guns. 3D print and AR15 implies to me your printing the entire gun. Which would hand grenade in your face if you ever tried to shoot it. There’s no printable media (sla) that will with stand 60,000 PSI. You can print everything on the gun, except Bolt Group and Barrel. I offer this as info to be used while battling libs. If you think I’m full of shit, soldier on.

  7. Brad – But all that doesn’t matter, he’s making a point about the LEFT here. They think flipping a dick inside out and shoving it up an empty space makes it an actual working vagina! As if it needs to be seen by an ob/gyn, and can pass a kid through it, too. They’re stupid! They think finger guns are bad, too! lol

  8. @MJA: I tried hunting with a finger gun and didn’t even come close to stopping a deer. So finger guns have no useful purpose and should be banned.

  9. MJA

    You’re misrepresenting my intent. It’s not like I’m expecting someone to divulge this info to the libtards. But if you understand reality you can argue the point better and sometimes longer. I’ll shut up now.

  10. joe6pak- And the inverted vajeen just made me remember the story posted here about how the men trannies have to have someone wax the inside of their “vajeens” because of the hair growth!!! accckkkkk!

    Hey, what do the women to men trannies do with the vajeen hole? Does it just close up if it’s not used? Like pierced ears?

    Wait… where are you guys going? Am I being too gross? Come back!!! 🤣🤣🤣

  11. @Bad Brad: so you can 3D print an entire AR 15. And fire it. Once.

    @MJA: are you trying to ruin a holiday weekend? Now all I can think about is if I get stubble burns during intercourse, I’ve been fooled.

    By the way, our society needs more heros like that Indiana teacher.

  12. BB-
    The point is that if the government shut down every gun manufacturer in America, made it illegal to import guns, confiscated every gun in America, people can 3d print guns.
    The black market would be filled with them.

  13. Just look at the violence being perpetrated with guns in England and France, where guns are completely illegal. In England not even the police are allowed to carry, yet many people are still being shot and murdered with firearms there.

  14. Being the gentleman that I am I’m not going to add to MJA’s line of discussion. As it is I might have to put my unit away until I get that visual out of my mind.

  15. Brad- A while back, I saw plastic guns, parts, bullets being made and shot in articles/videos. They seemed to work. Yeah, they may be POS right now, but In the meantime, they’re improving. Quickly. [Check youtube] And even if it only works for a few days before it falls apart, a criminal does not give a shit. YOU may care about quality and stuff, but the criminal doesn’t.
    But the left cannot ban technology. While they’re taking the older generation guns away from us, a new wave of them are being printed. To Fur’s point, no matter who the Left takes guns from, they ain’t getting all of them. Ever.
    England better worry about those 3d printed knives. lol

  16. Teacher is a hero, but did the only thing you can do if want a chance at survival. The attacker wasn’t expecting to be attacked himself. This must have flustered him and he was shooting irratically.

    Good on the teacher. At the very least try to take advantage of a reload. Not much time but it’s better than waiting your turn under a desk.

  17. Most competent machinists can take raw bar stock and make any gun you want. Including full auto.
    I would guess there are 500+ machine shops per state.
    Many are gunsmiths with there own machine shops.
    So screw three D printed guns, there is a better way.

    REX® 95. AISI T8 – Tungsten Type High Speed Tool Steel. Rex 95 combines high red hardness, moderate abrasion resistance, and good toughness

  18. OPEN
    99 years ago the Bolsheviks told the Russians they would do 3 things to America:
    1. Arm + train the Sandinistas. (they armed em well but any Jarhead with “institutional memory” knows they were NOT trained. Black Jack could not control ’em so Woody removed him and turned the war over to the Corps. Cpl/Sgt/Lt Chesty got his first 5 hearts, 6 Stars and a Navy Cross fighting Sandinistas from ’20 – ’28.
    2. Infiltrate America’s 2 (now 3) teachers Unions. THIS IS THE PROBLEM OF WHICH YOU SPEAK. It did not happen by accident. Cal students did better than the nation until Brown 1 because the John Birchers fought the Commies in the NEA + AFT. Brown1 basically killed the Birchers.

    3. Infiltrate the Press. By 1928 most of the sr.writers and editors of the NY Times were KGB men. The first infamous KBG writer/editor there(90 years ago) was Walter Duranty. in ’89 the Russian with a birthmark on his face (Mikey I think) gave former President Ron a list of over 1,000 KGB agents, and or tools of said agents, one was a name folk over 70 will know is the originator of the “Ugly American” propaganda – the Press called it “news” – broadcasts in ’50 another Walter, Cronkite this time!

    The decline of America has not been happenstance. One of the things said about the Bolsheviks was that they took the “long term” view. An accurate assessment!

    Because of the Corps the Sandanists never did well – after Black Jack was removed- but their other 2 attacks have done very well; and continue doing well.

    BTW the Bolsheviks are in LL schools. John Bosco, the school that produced UCLA’s former QB – Rosen – has a union dominated by Bolsheviks! It is a private school.

  19. ” Rex95 (me too) MAY 25, 2018 AT 7:13 PM
    Most competent machinists can take raw bar stock and make any gun you want. Including full auto.
    I would guess there are 500+ machine shops per state.
    Many are gunsmiths with there own machine shops.
    So screw three D printed guns, there is a better way. ”


    And BB is correct, screw the Three D Carp. Thing is with the millions of them already out there you could never get them all. Not to mention the spare parts that some might possess for changing semi to…

    Going back to the original!
    Hooray for the teacher when many would not do what he did.

  20. Rex95

    I own a precision machine shop. We have a product line of high end weapons including the SR25 platform. We manufacture well engineered weapons. Your post above was exactly right. The highest tensil strength media available for 3D printing is 9000 PSI. That’s much less than the chamber pressure of a 22 rimfire. Sooner or later you gotta pay attention to the engineering. Now my last word on the subject.


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