Just watch… – IOTW Report

Just watch…

61 Comments on Just watch…

  1. General Malaise April 29, 2022 at 6:18 pm

    And what do monkeys do when they’re pissed?


    LMAO! Took my son to the San Francisco zoo when he was about 2 yo. Chimp island was always a hoot with the shit tossing apes. One decided to throw a pile and I ducked and it hit the guy behind me. Chimps really do that – be prepared.

  2. Good point Loco, but I only remember you and Brad quitting to comment for a lengthy time when you all insulted the shit out of MJA….Repudadate that….

  3. Sorry boys. I’m out. You want to fight you’re on your own. To tired to participate. MJA can take care of herself as well as any person I’ve ever met. And I consider her a good friend. Nobody wants to hear these personal feuds. I like you both. Put that energy into meaningful comments. I’m going back to stuffing more mags.

  4. Willys, I will give you FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS CASH if you can prove what you just wrote about me.
    Not lying, the cash is yours if it were true.

    Why make up bullshit?
    I did in fact leave iotw for an extended period of time.
    I left on my own accord & returned on my own accord.
    Let me repeat:

    I wrote why I left and why I returned quite a while back.

    Why lie about something?
    That is such a leftist thing to do.
    I’m honest and you are a fucking lying sack of shit.
    Fuck off asshole!

  5. Loco, Brad has gone off on MJA, Farmwife…a whole bunch of skirts.

    The only issue is….that was a long ass time ago. Move on. Why we keep rehashing old scandals? Start some new ish.

  6. Brad shit all over MJA one night, 4 or 5 years ago. It was a big clusterfuck.

    But I’m glad they came to an understanding.

    Water under the bridge.

  7. Loco…you gotta’ mellow out. All I see is you claiming the link worked and willy not believing you.

    So? The fuck you let him push your buttons for? Why you even CARE? Just ignore the dude. Write something funny. Have a beer. This is the internet on a Friday night.

  8. Loco…OK, maybe I got it wrong. I forgot why you quit commentating. Explain that again, but in the mean time grab you a multi colored lollypop from underneath the sponsors provided umbrella….

  9. Also, I may or may not have been known to wander off for like…..6 months at a shot. Maybe a year. Wandering off is no crime.


    I have people I talk to. Dying on me is….well, you’re basically saying you’d rather DIE than talk to me. 50 50 on how cold blooded and how dope that is.

  10. Speaking of Friday night, it’s a time of relaxation. Couple glasses of wine, a shot of whiskey, kids and grandkids coming over tomorrow, life is good. Burr, a couple days ago I think you remarked that you had fires on two sides of you, has the danger passed?

  11. Wind shifted. Meh. Fires gonna’ fire. The cool part is our local airport was used in WW2 as a training base so our rural airport runways are longer than Flagstaff. Big city length. So all the fire planes use it. jets. Helicopters. The fire crews took over one of the big parks by the lakes. Dozens and dozens of trucks, bulldozers, backhoes…

    They’ll get the fire out. And move on to the next one the next day. We fly them out. Then all their equipment follows by road.

  12. You drunk bastard. You wrote “YEEEEEAAAAH RIIIIIGHT LOCO!!!! you have the credibility of a Tse Tse fly…..”

    You can call a man a lot of things….but not a liar.

    You should “hey man, my bad” the dude and mentally buy him a shot.

  13. Willys, I don’t mind someone giving me grief but I don’t always get where you are coming from.
    If joe6 or Brad give me shit I know where they are coming from and vice versa.

    I don’t look for fights and prefer general snark and hellraising.
    We can all get along fine here.

  14. Ok, BFH, I admit, ya got me. I touched the arrow about half-a-dozen times before I got the joke. And a good joke it is, I have to admit.
    But in my defense, sometimes I have dry fingertips, so links that should work, sometimes don’t. I have to wet my fingertips to get things started again.
    And, it’s been a long week, it’s Friday night, I’m tired and sleepy, and I’m off to bed.
    Goodnight all.

  15. MJA, one night, told me to, “SHUDDUP!”

    I was fucking incense, I mean (burrrp) incensed. How dare she cast dispersions?

    First of all, we must internalize the ‘flatulation’ of the matter by transmitting the effervescence of the ‘Indianisian’ proximity in order to further segregate the crux of my venereal infection. Now, if I may retain my liquids here for one moment. I’d like to continue the ‘redundance’ of my quote, unquote ‘intestinal tract’, you see because to preclude on the issue of world domination would only circumvent – excuse me, circumcise the revelation that reflects the ‘Afro-disiatic’ symptoms which now perpetrates the Jheri Curis activation. Allow me to expose my colon once again. The ramification inflicted on the incision placed within the Fallopian cavities serves to be holistic taken from the Latin word ‘jalapeno’.


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