Just When I Think the Left Can’t Dig Any Lower, I Find a Basement Under the Basement – IOTW Report

Just When I Think the Left Can’t Dig Any Lower, I Find a Basement Under the Basement

Saying congratulations to a couple who gets engaged is “not cool.”

You see, it’s hurtful to people who want to get married but aren’t as fortunate, and it’s also not an achievement.

I may not be as smart as the big brain who wrote the article, but it would seem to stupid ol’ me that if something isn’t an achievement, then it shouldn’t bother the person who isn’t engaged when someone is congratulated for their non-achievement, no?


Ashley Mateo


Clearly it IS an achievement, one that others want to attain, and the entire stupid premise comes down to the same old stupid leftist argument – someone shouldn’t have something that others don’t. It’s “unfair.”

Was this women congratulated the day she graduated with a degree in womyn’s studies? That’s clearly hurtful. There are thousands of other dumb bints who would have loved to have landed that worthless degree. Congratulating her is just so… so… right-wing.


HT/ Mansfield Lovell

Breitbart – A fashionable liberal cultural dictum states that congratulating a newly engaged couple should be avoided, because it draws attention to the failure of others to snag a spouse.
“I absolutely hate wishing people congratulations on their engagement, and I won’t do it anymore,” writes Ashley Mateo at Redbook, adding that the word “congratulations” is associated with an achievement, not a “grown-up decision made between two people who have discussed their relationship and decided that, hey, they’re clearly better together than not, so why not make it official?”

“Landing a husband” is not something you “achieve,” Mateo reasons. What’s more, if you consider getting engaged an achievement, then clearly you view “not being engaged” as a failure of sorts.

35 Comments on Just When I Think the Left Can’t Dig Any Lower, I Find a Basement Under the Basement

  1. BFH, thanks for posting this up. I’m engaged and this really pissed me off. This PC Political Correctness is really PF – Political Fascism.

    Political Correctness is like dysentery – the shit never stops.

  2. And the #1 reason that Ashley isn’t engaged is?….

    She’s a bitch….

    Photoshop made Chelsea look kinda good too…

    Ashley’s a bitch…

    Her name is really Jimmy…

  3. These people should write their own Talmud and get it all out once and for all.
    I am getting sick of every new prophet coming up with a new Law every other week.
    Get together, codify your whole concept, write it down and we’ll see if it’s worth building a Temple to hold it in.
    If not, shut the fuck up.

  4. OK, for a bunch of wimmin who want to pretend like men don’t exist and aren’t worthy of their time, they sure spend a lot of time obsessing about them.
    Go back to your drawer and tend to your batteries, missy. Leave the emotionally adult people alone to do their business.

  5. Lazlo: That was brilliant. I agree completely. They need to go away for about decade then come back and show us their rule book and quit making up new ones every day.
    You should apply for a position in the Trump admin. immediately. That’s exactly the kind of thinking we need among our leaders.

  6. Yesterday I walked into a friend’s store and she was waiting on a person I assumed was a liberal (he had ridden his bike there and was wearing his liberal “bike garb” uniform. Besides, he looked just like Pajama Boy.) Upon seeing him I yelled out, “Yoo-hoo, Trump! Yeah baby! TRUMP! YOO-HOO.” He looked mortified, finished his purchase, then promptly left. Point is – – these envious snot noses need to have their noses rubbed in excrement every chance you get. Maybe they’ll toughen up, but if not at least you can have some fun with them.

  7. Women who look like that and have that horrible attitude prove the maxim-no matter how good they look, someone’s tired of fuckin’ them. I bet her longest relationship is the directly related to how long a set of D batteries lasts.

  8. Not surprised. These are the people that don’t want anyone saying “Happy Mother’s/Father’s Day” because “some people don’t have good relationships with their parents or don’t have one or both parents and it could cause negative emotions” blah blah yadda yadda.

    And Ashley, dear, you really should consult a dictionary sometime. “Congratulations” does not imply “achievement”; it is merely to “express joy in the success or good fortune of others.” You know, like, being happy for someone because a nice thing happened to them? Have you ever done that or are you just so entirely self-absorbed and miserable that life itself is a zero-sum game where every “win” for someone outside of YOU is deemed a loss worth grousing about? It must be miserable in the space between your ears.

    P.S. Miss Ashley, what the heck is your problem? You’re a lot prettier than I have ever been, what the heck is your beef? It’s the biggest barrier to meeting people/confidence for us ladies, and the best way to attracting more potential husbands to choose from (through no fault of humanity, mind you, we’re just hardwired with evolutionary biases. I guess I could come up with a ridiculous fake new -ism or -phobia to beat society over the head with–how about ‘callicism’ or ‘cacogynophobia’ or something. Check your pretty privilege, beeyotch.)
    I have never even had a relationship and I am 30something. My excuse is a downward spiral of physical unattractiveness, which makes my naturally socially awkward behavior worse, which leads to apathy in interpersonal skills and not ever putting myself out there, etc. Most of my problems in this area are 100% on me. But it’s not the end of the world (What can I say… Being around other people is work, and I only ever miss companionship once every couple of months; it’s just not a priority), and if I had any close friends I actually still talked to (see what I mean?), and they got engaged, I’d be wishing them happiness instead of raining on their parade. Shoot, that’d be like punching a pregnant woman in the stomach because you haven’t had a kid yet.
    Since you have the one thing that can’t really be changed (or only so much), AND holds the most weight in initial attraction, I am willing to go out on a limb and say that ALL of your problems in the relationship arena are your fault. It might have something to do with that narcissistic personality we talked about. So maybe that is why you take offense when someone has a happiness you lack; deep down, you know you probably chased them off with your entitled feminazi whining.

    The good news? You don’t have to be this way! Or if you’re gonna, at least internalize your anger at yourself and your perceived failures and cry about it at home for an afternoon every month. Call it Cryday. It would be a great opportunity for some of that “self-care” crap you libbies always go on about–color your feelings coloring books, eat cookies, ‘primal scream’ if you must–but please, don’t take it out on the rest of the world and keep others from having joy because you’re not having any (like you always do).

  9. Expecting others to never express happiness about their own situation?

    Wait a minute. I’ve heard about this story. The one where everyone is made equal by assigning handicaps? No one allowed to run faster, or hear better, or see better – and especially think more freely.

    Let’s not go there, eh?

    I get that my success in life, love, and biz can be in a loser’s face but really, it’s that person’s onus to adjust. As long as I’m not rubbing it in. That would be a sin, in my book.

    The fact I have three handsome, healthy, studly sons causes pain to two in-laws that have lost their only sons. I get it. I can’t do much about it, though.

    While I do try to be sensitive around them, it’s only natural for me to express joy when I hear good news regarding my sons. I did see the pain in my SiL’s face when I celebrated on learning about my newest grandchild. I can feel her loss and never ever getting the chance to celebrate like that. She’ll never have grandchildren.

    So, some consideration, but I refuse to not be happy over my own affairs.

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