Just wonderin’ – IOTW Report

Just wonderin’

When someone votes they have a ballot that includes the presidency and the senate candidates and the congressional candidates, as well as other options.

The ballot is submitted.

The votes are counted, a senator or the representative in that state is declared the winner.

Then the democrats mysteriously “find” 18,000 ballots, and these ballots seem to have a great impact on the national election, but not the more local ones? You never hear of these found ballots helping or hurting the down ballot candidates.

We never hear of the loser sitting at home in their underwear, hearing on the news that a truckload of votes were found, and saying, “heyyyyy, wait a second, why the hell did I concede?”

Also, how did we do so spectacularly well down ballot, gaining seats, but Trump doesn’t do well?

In Michigan, 70,000 voters chose Biden, but not the incumbent democrat senator Gary Peters.

That seems, well, awful fishy.

13 Comments on Just wonderin’

  1. Not sure if anyone else experienced this, but for the FIRST time? I signed my name electronically, with a fat wide headed stylus electronic pen, with a WIPE wrapped around it as presented to me, that could NOT possibly match the signature they have on record for me.

    Going to follow up with the ‘local board of elections’ with this…

  2. It would take too much time for the last-minute ballot forgers to fill in any spot except the one for President. They probably get paid by the ballot, so they want to crank ’em out ASAP.

  3. …I seem to remember that ballot harvesting affected ALL the down ballot races in CA before, but maybe Brad or Left Coast Dan could elaborate as they would know far more about it than I…

  4. I was able to run some speculative numbers with the local race here in Illinois and determined through the numbers from my county that there were 2700 republicans that voted R down ballot, but chose Biden for president. Not that it means much other than pisses me off.

    Pritzker won’t concede Illinois graduated tax scheme until 2 weeks after the election. He wants to make sure all the ballots are counted. It’s 55% against to 45% for. The fat cuck has $58 million of his own dollars funding it, he’s holding the whole thing hostage for personal reasons. Interestingly the more that are counted, Trump is picking up votes against Biden. It’ll never flip, but it sure would be something if it did all because Fat Bastard wants higher taxes for Illinoisans. With a 650k gap and 88% in, I’m just dreaming.

  5. “Also, how did we do so spectacularly well down ballot, gaining seats, but Trump doesn’t do well?”

    Exactly! That never happens!

    That it is happening is — Strong indication (almost evidence) vote fraud on a large scale is going on.

    An extremely energetic, and competent man, with many in office accomplishments. Trump. Does not lose like this to a low energy, mentally challenged, incompetent, with few accomplishments man like Biden.

    Historically overall members of the president’s party rise or fall with the president’s level of approval. One does not fall with many others rise.

    Is the only option to bitch about it, while watching it happen?
    Or is there a way for citizens to help stop it?

  6. I haven’t really looked at all the Republican gained Representative seats, so I don’t know where they are.

    I have though looked at the Senate seats and it makes perfect sense why they kept the Senate. 18 GOP seats were in red states. 2 were in blue states, Maine and Colorado. They of course flipped Colorado and kept Maine. From what Californians around the web say, once democrats are in control you know fraud is always involved. So maybe Colorado truly flipped it with idiots or maybe it was stolen and nobody will ever look because it’s a blue state.
    4 were in these states they’re stealing right now. 1 in Arizona that they flipped. 2 in Georgia where they go to a runoff anyway so it doesn’t matter. 1 in NC that they could still possibly steal since they’re filling out ballots.

    Out of the 12 demon seats, 10 were in blue states. 1 in a red state, that flipped red. The other in Michigan that they’re stealing.

    If though these Representative seats are in these thieving states, maybe they’re in such a hurry to fill out ballots they’re just concentrating on the top of the ballot.

  7. I haven’t trusted the election integrity ever since I watched my ballot go into a ballot machine and my vote came out as bits and bytes.
    How in the holy hell did we manage to have a winner declared on election night before the electronic age???????

  8. In other news…..I woke up this morning to see that the republican challenger, Burgess Owens, is now ahead of the democrat incumbent Ben McAdams in Utah’s 4th congressional district!

  9. “It would take too much time for the last-minute ballot forgers to fill in any spot except the one for President.”

    That would be obvious to the election observers watching the count.

  10. If anyone doesn’t find it odd that in 4 states over 400,000 ballots were “found” and they all went for James Robinette (Robbin’ it) Biden, they are willingly ignorant sheep. Or just plain stupid and I want nothing to do with them.

    On election night GA and NC both said 100% of precincts reported and Trump had the lead. He won them. I found it odd they wouldn’t report it and the media wouldn’t call them. Then the absentee ballots in AZ started going for Trump at about 65% and all of a sudden on Thurs. GA “finds” 145,000 votes. And guess what? Almost exclusively for Biden.
    They were waiting to see if they needed to fake more votes before they called the race.
    So GA’s Governor is apparently a weak spined RINO.


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