Justice Thomas Accuses Supreme Court of Dodging Gun Cases – IOTW Report

Justice Thomas Accuses Supreme Court of Dodging Gun Cases

WFB: The Supreme Court on Monday denied a slew of gun-rights challenges focused on everything from state “assault weapons” bans to safety requirements and permit issues, sparking a blistering dissent from Justice Clarence Thomas who accused his fellow justices of “looking the other way” on Second Amendment cases.

Second Amendment advocates were hoping the High Court would take up at least some of the legal challenges to gun-control laws that have passed in New Jersey, California, Maryland, and Massachusetts. Those cases were denied certiorari, meaning the High Court will not take them up. 

The lack of action sparked some justices to dissent. Thomas slammed his colleagues for refusing to take up Rogers v. Grewal, a challenge to New Jersey’s gun-carry law that allows government officials to subjectively deny permits. Thomas—joined by Justice Brett Kavanaugh—said the state government’s requirement that residents provide a reason for exercising a constitutional right warranted judicial oversight.  more here

23 Comments on Justice Thomas Accuses Supreme Court of Dodging Gun Cases

  1. Extirpates JUNE 16, 2020 AT 1:48 PM
    “The two appointed by the Kenyan lack Constitutional authority, just like he did”

    …in a world of LAWS and JUSTICE, Barry’s citizenship lies would have been long since exposed, and ALL his appointments, INCLUDING his SCOTUS appointments would have long since been VACATED as the acts of an illegal usurper…

    …alas, he’s Black, sort of, so it ain’t ever gonna happen. This is NOT a just world of LAWS we live in.

    …thanks, Democrats…

  2. John Roberts was on the epstein kiddie sexcapades train – there is a lot of evidence pointing to it. They got him by the balls, and being the low-life he is, he’s committing treason instead of coming clean.

  3. Roberts is a fukin’ pussy! OR the left probably has pictures of him hanging with Jeffery Epstein and “crew”. They have to have something on him!

    One way to get them to act is for Trump to write an Executive Order for nation wide carry laws!

  4. @Anonymous June 16, 2020 at 2:21 pm

    > John Roberts was on the epstein kiddie sexcapades train – there is a lot of evidence pointing to it. They got him by the balls, and being the low-life he is, he’s committing treason instead of coming clean.

    Let’s just claim, for now, that’s true.

    You’re then claiming to believe, to think, he was an honest, honorable, man of conviction. Against such “atrocities”. But somehow. “They”. Sorry forgot the echo effect: “The-e-e-e-ey“. Tricked him. Into diddling kiddies. And that’s why he hates what he is “required” to do so much. That he keeps on doing it.

    Because, we all know, that (if true) announcing him as “the people’s” Hobson’s choice, by The Party, of The Party, for The Party, because this is who he is, which was the reason he was accepted into The Party, advanced through The Party, proved for decades his loyalty doing The Party’s great work, is… well… it’s (where’s that echo? oh! here it is.) “ma-a-a-a-a-ad-ness“.

  5. @Left Coast Dan JUNE 16, 2020 AT 2:21 PM
    ” Why aren’t the other conservatives doing something?”

    There is only ONE reliable conservative on SCOTUS; Clarence Thomas.

  6. I think that behind the scenes, the four true Constitutionalist judges – Thomas, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch and Alito – are fending off 2A cases until Trump can name a fifth true Constitutionalist judge to replace GinsBORG. The four know that the Chief Justice is totally under the thumb of the Socialists that have Kompromat on Roberts.

    The Socialists allow Roberts to vote Yes on the small stuff as a fig leaf but any time big items come up, ROberts cravenly caves and votes for the latest Socialist-Cause-du-Jour: Obamacare, Tranny Rights, Abortion, etc.


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