Justin Amash has resigned from House Freedom Caucus – IOTW Report

Justin Amash has resigned from House Freedom Caucus

FOX NEWS – Michigan Repubican Rep. Justin Amash announced Monday evening he was leaving the influential conservative House Freedom Caucus, just weeks after he attracted the ire of his colleagues by arguing in Twitter posts that President Trump had committed impeachable offenses, Fox News has learned.

Amash, speaking at a Freedom Caucus board meeting, insisted his departure was voluntary. Amash said he did not want to continue to be a “further distraction” for the caucus, which is chaired by North Carolina GOP Rep. Mark Meadows.

Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, a member of the Freedom Caucus, told Fox News’ “Ingraham Angle” Monday evening that Meadows and Amash mutually came to the decision after several conversations.

Jordan said the Republican members of the group still consider Amash a friend, but that their disagreements were “sharp” and significant.

Keep reading here.

Good. That still doesn’t excuse his betrayal of Michigan voters. We will be supporting his primary challenger, State Rep. Jim Lower.

19 Comments on Justin Amash has resigned from House Freedom Caucus

  1. If he was smart (all evidence to the contrary) he would switch parties, like right now and become a Democrat. It’s legal, changing your voter registration and poof, he is a Democrat.

    He is sure to get primaried if he stays with the GOP. The only appetite for impeachment is on the left so he can garner some support there. He surely will get the backing the DNC for funding. He is probably buddies with all of them anyway, all sharing masturbatory wet dreams for impeachment. Hell, I suspect they already showed him the DNC secret handshake.

  2. I wish Rep. Jordan would have put him in a half nelson and tossed him out the door and then stomped on his head and then given him a atomic wedgie.
    You know he could,and I bet he wants to.
    They kicked him out,he did not leave on his own.

  3. Geoff C. The Saltine and Mithrandir, you are correct – he was kicked out. Amash has too much self love to quit on his own. He’s the kind of person who thinks his shit doesn’t stink. I knew that about him before I voted for him in 2018, but thought he would use it AGAINST the left, not FOR them!

  4. He was only ever in congress in the first place to advance his personal holdings. Trump’s use of tariff’s against China was just too much for the swine and he panicked and broke cover.

  5. He is an opportunist, there are a LOT of opportunists who claim to be Constitutional conservatives out there. I can see right through them. Take Seattle “conservative” radio for example, it is full of them.

  6. Had I been “the fly on the wall” at their meeting I would say he was booted out.

    Was not there so cant say. But this GWB “Republican” has never been a conservative.


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