Justin Amash Is Only Republican With 75% CAIR Approval Rating – IOTW Report

Justin Amash Is Only Republican With 75% CAIR Approval Rating

Rep. Justin Amash, who over the weekend called for the impeachment of President Donald J. Trump on Twitter, is the only Republican legislator to receive a passing 75 per cent approval rating from the terrorist-affiliated Council on American Islamic Relations, or CAIR.

Over the weekend, Amash came to a radically different conclusion than most politicians and commentators, and claimed that after reading the redacted Mueller report there was ample evidence indicating President Trump should be impeached.

Amash received a spat of positive coverage for his radical stance, leading many to research the young congressman and his supporters.

According to Vote SmartAmash is the only Republican who received a passing grade of 75 per cent from CAIR for its 2017-2018 year. He scored as high as many high ranking Democrats, including Sen. Dick Blumenthal, Sen. Tim Kaine, and just below Sen. Ron Wyden’s 80 per cent score. more here



Justin Amash Just Lost One of His Biggest Backers: The DeVos Family.

Amash will be relying on outside money and ‘Never Trump’ support if he wants to keep his U.S. House seat next year.


FLASHBACK: Justin Amash Supported Federally-Funded Transgender Surgeries for Military.

Amash has been colluding with the Democrats on social justice matters for quite some time.


9 Comments on Justin Amash Is Only Republican With 75% CAIR Approval Rating

  1. Just how many more of these Paul Ryan types do we have festering in our party? I think way too many and the leadership likes it that way. I’m tired of being betrayed.

  2. Amish has lost his seat at a nomination battle and he knows it. This Trump bashing (and be prepared to see more of it as well as cozying up to the MSM and groups like CAIR for the job of inhouse pet republican) has only been job auditioning by one of the RINO turncoats more interested a big paycheck then serving his country.


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