Kaeperknees blames President Trump for his lack of work – IOTW Report

Kaeperknees blames President Trump for his lack of work

Patriot Retort:

Oh, boo hoo.

I’m so sick of Colin Kaeperknees.


What a whiny baby he is.

In his grievance against the NFL, Kaeperknees is actually naming Trump as the reason no NFL team wants to sign him.

Of course there are some problems with this claim.

First of all, Kaeperknees has not been signed with a team since March.

And President Trump didn’t say word one about these stupid Anthem protests until six months later.

So unless the NFL owners all have crystal balls that told them that President Trump would slam these stupid protests long after Kaeperknees was gone, how does this work exactly?

But there’s another problem for Kaeperknees the Clown.

In August it was learned that, on the advice of his girlfriend, Kaeperknees turned down an offer from one NFL team.

Apparently this chick was concerned that Colin’s notoriety would take a hit if he actually was playing for a team.

Can’t let the Victim Train stop at the station, can we?  More

25 Comments on Kaeperknees blames President Trump for his lack of work

  1. You know what I never hear from this guy? How hard he’s training. How hard he’s working to make a team. His body weight has been dropping for 3 years. He’s a freaken scare crow. No muscle mass. I guess that FRO makes up for it. Fuck off loser.

  2. hey Krapperdick, you blew Stupor Bowl 47 (sorry, I’m bad w/ Roman numerals) because your coach actually believed in your abilities & called your # for 4 straight plays …. you suck ….

    you’re the AlGore/McStain of football … deal with it

  3. I kinda hope Kaepernick’s lawyers and girlfriend suck up all his money and he goes penniless in three years.
    Then he’ll learn real life really is real hard – not a game that’s played 16 times a year.

  4. Maybe he can go on the Whine Country Tour with Hillary.
    They can do a duet – one pissing and the other moaning.

    Bonus: When she twists her cankle and falls down, he can take a knee and help her back up.

  5. Colon Paperdick is the author of his own problems.
    If the fans despise you.
    If you are causing loss of attendance.
    If ( ditto ) loss of TV audience.
    Ergo. loss of TV revenue.
    Do not expect anyone to hire you
    even you were still good
    which you aren’t.

    You have broken the sacred law of
    ALL professional sports.
    You have interfered with
    REVENUE flow !

    Expect to be treated accordingly


  6. Oh Hell, give him a starting job with the NFL team with the worst offensive line in league history with running backs that can’t run and a receiving corps that can’t remember the routes and let him play until the concussions and broken bones set in. Then when he’s out for good I’ll bet the girlfriend checks out for that handsome Mulla she’s ben making eyes at.

  7. Hillary has sported many fabulous hairdos thru the years in the tireless effort to make her more human.
    Wouldn’t you like to see her sporting a massive Kaperdick do, emblematic of the blame everyone/everything mentality they share?

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