Kaepernick Gets Creamed By Cuban-American On Last Play – IOTW Report

Kaepernick Gets Creamed By Cuban-American On Last Play


Facing imminent defeat in Miami on Sunday, Forty-Niner quarterback and noted Castro sympathizer Colin Kaepernick took off for the end zone on the last play of the game.  He was met on the 2 yard line by Dolphin’s linebacker, and son of Cuban immigrants, Kiko Alonso.


In an blatant dick move, Kaepernick showed up at the post game press conference in a t-shirt picturing a meeting between Malcolm X and Fidel Castro.  The Forty-Niners are currently enjoying the worst losing streak in team history.

12 Comments on Kaepernick Gets Creamed By Cuban-American On Last Play

  1. The perfect alignment of events that put Kaepernick in Miami to get his clock cleaned by a Cuban American the same weekend Castor dies.

    It’s hard to think of a better payback for being such a dick.

  2. It would be most fitting for Kaperdick to suffer an enormous concussion and get sent to Cuba for their “world-class healthcare”. Half of his brain becoming non-functional would be an improvement for him.

  3. I stumbled onto the game for the last couple of plays.

    It looked to me like Kaepernick wanted to run it in order to “flip off” Miami. Did he intentionally break inside in order to go over the top of Alonso? I hope so.

  4. Sorry to spoil the party, but the fact is Kaeperprick was jumped from behind by Ndamokung Suh. Kiko Alonso was right there but he didn’t touch Kaepernick .. which was smart as he would have been flagged for a personal foul, which would have put the ball at the one.

    Fact is, Suh made one of the best defensive plays of the season. What he did was incredible. He flushed Colon out of the pocket with an inside rush and continued to chase him to the outside and then made a leaping tackle and dragged Kaeperprick down like a rag doll at the 2 yard line.

    Also, Kaeperprick had to cut inside as the Dolphins had two defenders near the sideline

  5. Lennie, my guess is you are either playing devils advocate or you are a frustrated 49ers fan. Another possibility is that you are a big time fan of Ndumasicum Suh. I’m picking the devils advocate angle.

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