Kaitlin Bennett ties 2 unsuspecting feminists up in knots – IOTW Report

Kaitlin Bennett ties 2 unsuspecting feminists up in knots

12 Comments on Kaitlin Bennett ties 2 unsuspecting feminists up in knots

  1. Kaitlin Bennett would have been someone I would have been interested in during my youth.

    Smart, hot, tenacious.

    Kaitlin was playing chess while the other two useless eaters were not even playing checkers; they were playing tiddlywinks.

    The title of this piece is spot-on.

  2. I think I understand the point of the piece. To be a progressive feminist, you need both an innate low IQ and a frontal lobotomy in order to be a member of that particular group.

  3. That guy’s t shirt is great! It slips right by the average pea brain, zombied leftist tool. They rarely read, just recognize familiar symbols.
    Bennett did a g ood job with those Millennial dingbats. They really weren’t much of a challenge, because the more indoctrinated the easiet it is to knock them down.

  4. that’s about right, I’m for government enforced anti-constitutional minimum wage rules for queers and’ life’, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for me but I hate unborn babies and it is o.k. to want them all dead!

  5. Camps.., what camps? You mean the ones, where they willingly walk into them, and could turn around, and leave, and return home..? Brainless tools of the fools..

  6. “I don’t believe they are human”

    Where have we heard that before? Well, how about when the country was deciding the slavery issue. Wasn’t this a substantial belief espoused the pro slavery side. And which political Party represented that position? Democrats cannot be accused of inconsistency when it comes to deciding who is and isn’t human when their agenda is up for debate.


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