Kamala Already Acting As Joe’s Stand-In On The Phone – IOTW Report

Kamala Already Acting As Joe’s Stand-In On The Phone

American Greatness

Just weeks into Joe Biden’s “transition” presidency, his second-in-command, Kamala Harris has already begun taking Head of State phone calls with world leaders, it has been learned.

A White House readout of a recent call between the deeply unlikable and unpopular Harris and President Emmanuel Macron of France was first noticed by the National Pulse. 

21 Comments on Kamala Already Acting As Joe’s Stand-In On The Phone

  1. The article headline reads:

    Kamala Harris Already Taking Head of State Phone Calls With World Leaders

    I think that is supposed to read:

    Kamala Harris Already GIVING Head To World Leaders

    Journalism just aint what it used to be.

  2. Been struggling for a while to come up with a suitable nickname for our “vice” president…oops, I mean “President of vice.”

    How is this: Scammy Jammy?

    Feel free to use it if you like.

    Just sayin’.

  3. The fact that she is doing calls to Heads of State makes me wonder whether she is in fact the Head of State, i.e. the actual President. Has there been behind-the-scenes legal doings to place her into Office without formal acknowledgment? If we still had a journalism profession in the US they’d be all over this.

  4. Even though I live in the Eastern Megalopolis that will get totally smoked in a nuclear war; I can’t help but think these lefty idiots are so obviously blind, power crazy stupid to havethis ass in office, that our enemies are seriously considering “pushing the button” and doing a nuclear sweep on our cities.
    My one consolation besides having had a long, good life is the lefties will almost all go with me.

  5. And Joey can’t do a damn thing about it. When him or Jill whine about riding in the backseat Kamala and the Dems just turn around and say “Burisma.” They own their sorry asses.

  6. Mr Fur, could you please do a photo-shop of that Harris skank holding a sythe? Every time I see her lurking near Dementia Joe, all I can think of is either The Grim Reaper or a carrion eating vulture waiting for death to come.


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