Kamala hahaHarris is very deep – IOTW Report

Kamala hahaHarris is very deep

Give her the Nobel…

39 Comments on Kamala hahaHarris is very deep

  1. I do think that she believes that she is smart. Maybe even that people like her.
    It doesn’t really matter, she and Joek are the Zaphod Beeblebroxes of the current administration. Their purpose is to deflect attention.

  2. “We must together…” – resist we must – “…also see it as a moment, yes, to together, address the challenges…”, and the opportunities to work on.

    -Jabba the Kamala Sharpton.

  3. Joe6 – The stress I was referring to was her record shattering low ratings and her endless string of fuck-ups – most recently, her faux french accent fuck-up just the day before.

    Heavy drinking? Maybe. In way over her head? Definitely.

  4. Another possibility, a couple days ago I saw a video of a woman pound into smithereens, with her boobs, a cockroach that crawled across her table. That could have happened to kammie.

  5. We must together work together to together work together….this stupid bitch thinks if you sling enough word salad you get a sentence and what’s with Demonrat bitches and all the hand gestures and arm flailing?

    Nazi Nan, AOC, and Commiela all think throwing their arms and hands around like a spaz helps make a point. If I hear the word “important” misprounced as imporant” one more time I’m gonna shoot the next Demonrat I see.

    Pronuciate the the t you silly bitches.

  6. When Astrophysicists finally locate the center of the universe, a lot of people like Kammy will be shocked to learn that they aren’t there.
    That’s the problem with believing your own propaganda press.

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