Kamala Harder On Pot Smokers Than Charged During Debate – IOTW Report

Kamala Harder On Pot Smokers Than Charged During Debate

Washington Free Beacon

The Washington Free Beacon’s finding that Sen. Kamala Harris (D., Calif.) had locked up at least 1,560 people for marijuana-related offenses while she was California’s attorney general was off, according to California’s Department of Corrections, which now says at least 1,974 were admitted to prison under Harris.

The February report came under renewed scrutiny after it was cited by Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D., Hawaii) in an attack on Harris during Wednesday night’s Democratic primary debate. The Harris campaign responded by labeling the statistic a “lie,” but a fact check by the San Francisco Chronicle found that even more people were put in prison for marijuana-related offenses than initially estimated. More

Unfortunately, it’s become nearly impossible to check the record, now that the State of California has withdrawn incarceration reports prior to this year. Here

17 Comments on Kamala Harder On Pot Smokers Than Charged During Debate

  1. How phucking convient that the liberal state of Kumafornia has BLOCKED ‘PUBLIC RECORDS’ from the general public.

    Either investigate, incarcerate or jettison the entire state.

  2. so … Kalipornia blocks Kamala Mattress’ public records but insists Trump show his tax returns before being on the primary ballot?

    … just can’t make this shit up …

  3. @Crackerbaby – Quite right! It was indeed an incorrect claim, but that was because the number of imprisonments was actually higher than what Gabbard said.

    KH is simply a nasty person. Everything she does is nasty. Everything she will ever do will be nasty. Nasty is bone deep in her.

  4. Candidate 1: I’m a certifiable nut. Always have been. Always. Will. Be.

    Candidate 2: What Candidate 1 calls nutty, I call too conservative. My nuttiness is unrivaled and will cause an allergic reaction that swells your throat and cause you to break out in a rash. Anaphylactic shock is onset before you can say “Yes we can”.

    Candidate 3: I’m steeped in the root of the nut. We will seize the means of production in the farm that grows them. The fields will be nourished with the blood of the non-believers.

    And on and on. You look at these crackpots and think none will be president. Which is great. But all of them are already in our government and represent tens of millions of people. Which is fucked.

  5. Tulsi may be colluding with the Russians, pushing propaganda directly from the whitehouse.
    Hopefully, headboard harris has a mole planted in her galpal’s campaign to keep everything transparent.


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