Kamala Harris can’t keep staff – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris can’t keep staff

American Thinker:

By Monica Showalter

Steven Hayward at Power Line has a prescient observation about the unflattering exposé of Kamala Harris that ran in The Atlantic two days ago:

[P]erhaps the most revealing tidbit in the whole article, though it may not be evident to the casual reader:

Harris has been an elected official for 18 years straight, but she has only a few senior aides on staff who have worked for her for more than a few months. Turf battles have been a recurring feature of Harris offices over the years, but her newest circle believes it is finally getting her on track after years of past staffers not serving her well. Some have been surprised at how much work there is to be done, whether that’s briefing her on certain policy issues or helping her improve her sparring-with-journalists skills.

The problem isn’t “turf battles.” It is always a bad sign when a politician can’t good keep staff (or any staff), and Harris has long been known for being a terrible boss, going back to her time as California Attorney General. When you can’t keep eager political staff …

Briefing her on policy issues?  Hard to do when she’s such a lazy person, interested only in wokester posturing, talking about her “story,” posing for Vogue photo spreads, thrilling the crochet circles, or whining about her home decorating dilemmas.  Policy to Kamala is for the birds. read more

20 Comments on Kamala Harris can’t keep staff

  1. The only staff she was able to keep was Willie Brown’s steff – between her legs. But she’s too fat and ugly now, even for an old geezer like Willie.

  2. To be expected when you’re as lazy, and abusive as heels up. She couldn’t be a Madam in a Whore House, and that’s something something she’s had experience in. (about the only thing it seems)

  3. The Atlantic is owned by Steve Jobs’ widow. She’s the female Soros.

    Harris is not a smart person and it’s probably frustrating to work for someone like that.

  4. She is the White House’s Meghan Markle.

    Poor little Princess of Pennsylvania Avenue trapped in the Tower.

    In a few years, weather she gets the Presidency or not, she will publish a new book detailing the racism she experienced at the hand of President Jill & The Turnip.


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