Kamala Harris claims she’s in talks with GOP on Democrat voting ‘reform’ bill, can’t name a single one – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris claims she’s in talks with GOP on Democrat voting ‘reform’ bill, can’t name a single one

American Thinker:
S.1, the Democrat-proposed “For the People” election ‘reform’ law, is dead in the water. Canny old Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and his Republicans understood very well that it would rig elections solely for Democrats, and gave it the deep-six last June. 

But weeks later, now Vice President Kamala Harris is telling the press she’s still on it. She claims she’s talking with Republicans in her capacity as president of the Senate to win bipartisan support for the same old bill, as johnny-come-lately as that sounds.

The problem: She isn’t.

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