Kamala Harris Delegate Threatens to Blow Up Democrat Party If They Choose White Man Over Her – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris Delegate Threatens to Blow Up Democrat Party If They Choose White Man Over Her

Daily Fetched-

Kamala Harris delegate Areva Martin said they are going to blow up the Democrat Party if they choose a white man that isn’t Joe Biden as the party’s nominee.

During an appearance on Stephen A. Smith’s podcast, Martin said, “You’ve got to build consensus, and there is no consensus right now.”

“You pick a white man over Kamala Harris — black women, I can tell you this: We’re gonna walk away, we’re gonna blow the party up.” more

30 Comments on Kamala Harris Delegate Threatens to Blow Up Democrat Party If They Choose White Man Over Her

  1. …and while I see that this Avirl Lavage person presents as a woman, Im not sure I believe that because, Democrat.

    And Im not a biologist, as an SC DEI hire likes to remind us, so Im not buying it, thats the ONLY tool Kamel has in her political toolbox and, to be honest, she sure has gotten a LOT of milage out of it…

  2. Bless her heart. She still believes the media and democrat party lies.
    They don’t need you to vote. If you’re not going to cast a vote to beat the margin of fraud, then nobody needs you.

  3. Yes, please.

    It’s absolutely wonderful how the left’s identity politics obsession is finally blowing them up from within.

    Oh & has anyone else seen the Trump campaign spokeswoman who keeps telling news anchors that the Dems should just give up & surrender to save money? I’ve seen her do it about 4 times now & she’s so perky when she says it that it’s hilarious. She actually got a chuckle out of Brett Baier. Talk about a happy warrior.

  4. Hmm, you let people in who believe “You owe it to us because” and they threaten to hold their breath when they don’t get their way, and this is what you get. What a surprise.

  5. “a white man that isn’t Joe Biden as the party’s nominee”

    Now, who could that be?


    Newsom’s busy blowing California up.

    Hey! Hows about Chucky Schumer, ma’am??

    Sure! (Blow it up.)

  6. Does anyone see any peaceful way put of this? I once thought that dissolution of the federal government and letting the states go their own ways might hold some promise, but not at this point.

  7. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

    The democrats have been laying this mine field for five decades now. They have laid mines all over the ground they have a tenuous hold on and practically any move they make has the potential of setting off a chain reaction that blows the whole shiteree to smithereens.

    Everyone and anyone in that coalition believes they have been promised recognition as the most entitled to whatever their hearts desire and that means they have a right to it.

    Better stock up on popcorn. When they drop the puck on this one you aren’t going to want to miss one minute of it.

  8. ^ “Flaccid Penis.” Describing “Big Mike” with her 6″ flaccid in it’s natural, pinched condition between her legs – where it is getting thinner with time from a reduced blood supply.

    It’s time we get frank with this. (Frank would also be good.)

  9. It’s really hard to build consensus in a political party that represents every known mental illness in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

  10. “The big orc, spear in hand, leapt after him. But the tracker … put an arrow in his eye as he ran up…. The other ran off across the valley and disappeared.

    For a while the hobbits sat in silence. At length Sam stirred. ‘Well I call that neat as neat,’ he said. ‘If this nice friendliness would spread about in Mordor, half our trouble would be over.’

    ‘Quietly, Sam,’ Frodo whispered. … ‘We have evidently had a very narrow escape, and the hunt was hotter on our tracks than we guessed. But that is the spirit of Mordor, Sam; and it has spread to every corner of it. Orcs have always behaved like that…. But … [they] hate us far more…. If those two had seen us, they would have dropped all their quarrel until we were dead.'”

  11. What’s now is the Bigot vote for the non-whites. I TOLD you, you SOB that the American People will be coming after you, both Republicans and Democrats! Now, it is another Jap attack of the 1940’s. We are now coming after the Bigot-voter for cock-sucker, vice-president of the felonious Democrat-destroyer of this Century.

  12. LOL! Stupid, Democrat racist hoodrat reacting like a fool to losing. The Democrat presidential campaign was “blown up” when her Democrat plantation masters told her to support Dementia Joe who is turning into a vegetable. KamalMao is just fuel for the dumpster fire that is the Democrat 2024 presidential campaign. Sure, KamalMao 2024 – LOL!

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