Kamala Harris Does Not Answer Question About Inflation and Gas Prices – Her Answer is to a Question Not Asked – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris Does Not Answer Question About Inflation and Gas Prices – Her Answer is to a Question Not Asked

18 Comments on Kamala Harris Does Not Answer Question About Inflation and Gas Prices – Her Answer is to a Question Not Asked

  1. The Deep State, academia, the media and Big Tech built a house of cards on a foundation of sand and thought they could get away with it. Only blind arrogance could have brought them to this point, only the blind obedience of their followers has kept the whole charade to come crashing down by now.

    This entire illegitimate malAdministration is analogous to the pedestrian bridge disaster at FIU a few years ago. Incompetence that was institutionalized by racial and gender quota instead of design and construction standards based on sound principles and recognized standards administered by individuals who were qualified by education and experience in successfully managing both is what lead to the inevitable and expected result.

  2. If this woman and her total inability to present a coherent message pisses you off and makes you feel embarrassed as an American, just remember this, if the election process is not fixed and voter integrity is not restored, you are looking at the next president. Where’s my TUMS?

  3. The Dems aren’t worried; they’ll just fire up the voter fraud apparatus in a few months. And our “objective” press will trumpet the election as even “more secure, fair and wonderful than in 2020” even if cameras catch Rachael Maddow, Brian Stelter, Don Lemon and Joy Reid tossing Republican ballots and actually filling in Democrat ballots.

  4. Oh the map where is shows that a big country, Russia, invaded a smaller country, Ukraine. And prior to this has was $2.09/gal. GFYS, all of you. Everything they touch Democrats destroy. Everything

  5. That’s SOP for politicians.
    Most start with “I’m glad you asked me that …” and then careen off on some weird tangent with some straw-man bullshit or absolutely irrelevant nonsense – and MOST of the pressies (depending upon which Party the apparatchik being asked belongs) will just bob their heads with that “serious” look on their mugs.

    Liars, thieves, corrupt-o-crats, grifters, and perverts – just like the politicians they interview.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. …I liked how she looked at the Romanian dude like he could, or would want to, answer a question about the idiocity of a fraudulent American administration’s terrible abuse of its own citizens to hide all the Democrat corruption that was the sole reason modern Ukrane even EXISTS…also, looking for a MAN to field YOUR question, way to be a “strong independent woman” and let us hear you roar, you feckless moronic whore…

  7. The one and only reason why this dowdy overweight Housewife Harris was brought in as vp was because her CCP-operative husband has ties to communists and was found useful to the dark-web democrats. The obviously gluttonous Harris brought no skill set to the table or anywhere else for that matter. The hog is as weak as Joe Biden is with no talent, no power, no influence. Along with the Biden character Harris is nothing more than a ragged tear in the fabric of the US.

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