Kamala Harris helpfully clears up any confusion you might have about community banks – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris helpfully clears up any confusion you might have about community banks

Community banks are in the community and by virtue of being in the community serve the community in which members of the community have financial needs, such as the need for community banks in the community.

18 Comments on Kamala Harris helpfully clears up any confusion you might have about community banks

  1. Dan Quale was branded stupid by the media because he was trapped into misspelling potato. But this truly stupid woman gets a pass by the same media, every day, when she spouts the most ridiculous drivel.

  2. Every community would be better off if you just jumped off a community pier in a seaside community Commieliar, and as an aside: “fuck you” you talk to everyone like they are toddlers because you think like one.

    I would like to hear from any of the Marxist tolls on this site a full defense of this insipid, vacuous, imbecilic, retarded child person.

    Please Anonymous grace us with your wisdom, you are a stupid fuck but you are still smarter than Commieliar.


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