Kamala Harris – “If Donald Trump tells us we should take it (vaccine) I’m not taking it.” – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris – “If Donald Trump tells us we should take it (vaccine) I’m not taking it.”

12 Comments on Kamala Harris – “If Donald Trump tells us we should take it (vaccine) I’m not taking it.”

  1. Went back and found the poll here.. the numbers were toughly 90 – 450 vaccinated vs unvaccinated here .

    Who listened to camela and who didn’t?

    Is GM the only one banned for taking a stand?

  2. Talk about Inconsistent – Check this out: Kamala sez:
    “When people are able to make choices without government interference for themselves in terms of their well-being and the well-being of their family… we are a stronger society.”


    Well what’s good for the goose is good for the gander… unless a cock gets in the way!

  3. I doubt any of our self appointed Royalty has gotten the JAB. The JAB is reserved for the sheep.
    From 18 months ago, White House Mic: ‘Everyone’s Been Vaccinated Around Here Anyway’.

    Dr. Fauci with George Soros, Bill Gates Sr., David Rockefeller & More

    The Rockefeller Center wrote this plan in 2010.

  4. Also Kamala (just yesterday): “The right of women to make decisions about their own bodies is not negotiable. The right of women to make decisions about their own bodies is their decision, it is their body.”

  5. Nothing that comes OUT of kamala’s mouth matters.

    Now is the time all of us FKAM (formerly known as males) to identify as wymen so that we may be allowed to make our own medical decisions.

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