Kamala Harris is accused of not “rising to the occasion” in her role – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris is accused of not “rising to the occasion” in her role

RT: US President Joe Biden has been underwhelmed by the performance of his vice president, Kamala Harris, Reuters has reported, citing former White House officials. However, according to the outlet, Biden still intends to keep Harris as his running mate if and when he confirms his bid for re-election in 2024.

Harris, who is the first female vice president in US history, has battled low approval ratings since she assumed the role following Biden’s victory over Donald Trump in 2020.

Although Biden has publicly praised Harris, privately he has noted his concerns to Washington insiders, according to anonymous former White House officials quoted by Reuters. “A point of tension in their relationship is that I don’t think the president sees her as somebody who takes anything off his plate,” one source told the news agency. The former official added that they believe Harris to be unwilling to take on certain tasks due to a “fear of messing up.”  MORE

20 Comments on Kamala Harris is accused of not “rising to the occasion” in her role

  1. “privately he has noted his concerns”
    That his depends always seems full.

    She got the job because she was a better choice than E Warren.
    The bar wasn’t very high.

  2. I don’t believe that the Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey could articulate a disdain for the Kamel-Ho or that anyone he might have complained to (either through sign language or dribbling farts and whistles) would transmit that.

    Just smells like bullshit, to me – some sort of internecine demonrat power play that has absolutely nothing to do with reality.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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