Kamala Harris laughs nervously at suggestion that Biden’s a Trojan Horse for her socialistic policies – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris laughs nervously at suggestion that Biden’s a Trojan Horse for her socialistic policies

Blaze: Democratic vice presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris (Calif.) appeared to laugh nervously and struggle to formulate an answer when asked about her far-left political views during a recent “60 Minutes” interview, which aired on Sunday.

“You’re very different, in the policies that you’ve supported in the past,” CBS News anchor Norah O’Donnell said to Harris about her policy differences with Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

“You’re considered the most liberal United States senator,” O’Donnell stated bluntly, to which Harris replied, “I — somebody said that and it actually was Mike Pence on the debate stage,” as she laughed uncomfortably.

“Yeah. Well, actually, the nonpartisan GovTrack has rated you as the most liberal senator,” O’Donnell interjected. “You supported the Green New Deal; you supported Medicare for All; you’ve supported legalizing marijuana. Joe Biden doesn’t support those things. So are you going to bring the policies — those progressive policies that you supported as senator — into a Biden administration?”

Harris countered by saying she has promised Biden she will always share with him her “lived experience” and “perspective” on any issues their potential administration may confront.

“And is that a socialist or progressive perspective?” O’Donnell asked.

“No. No,” Harris answered, laughing even more uncomfortably than before. more

14 Comments on Kamala Harris laughs nervously at suggestion that Biden’s a Trojan Horse for her socialistic policies

  1. That laugh has become her ‘tell’. Like Bill Clinton biting his lower lip or Biden giving that crooked smile or saying “Come on man” or Nancy talking.

    Harris just laughed when she was called out for calling Biden a racist, she laughed when she was called out for being the most liberal senator. I think she eve laughed when it was pointed out that she comes from a line of slave holders.

  2. There is nothing “liberal” about totalitarianism.

    Hitler wasn’t a “liberal.”
    Stalin wasn’t a “liberal.”
    Mao wasn’t a “liberal.”
    Castro wasn’t a “liberal.”
    Mussolini wasn’t a “liberal.”
    Lenin wasn’t a “liberal.”
    Beria wasn’t a “liberal.”
    Himmler wasn’t a “liberal.”
    Heydrich wasn’t a “liberal.”
    Hoxha wasn’t a “liberal.”
    Ceausescu wasn’t a “liberal.”
    Wilson wasn’t a “liberal.”

    None of these murderous racist thugs were, by any stretch of the imagination, “liberal.”
    Funny how they hide behind euphemism, isn’t it?
    And Harris even slinks away from the euphemism.
    Wonder why?

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. She is not only “not likable,” she is downright repulsive. Not likable was what some pollster on television said he was hearing form people they were focus grouping. Cheese & Rice is that ever an understatement.

  4. Cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt,
    Cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt,
    Cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt
    Cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt,
    Cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt,
    Cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt

  5. Madame Blowjob does the Hillary Clinton “I’m too stupid to say anything intelligence with I get caught with my truss down, so I cackle”.

    It doesn’t work.

    Madame Blowjob should have cut her losses and stayed a shitty senator for the rest of her life, instead of putting her nauseating ass under the microscope. Her future senate career won’t be so easy now.

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