Kamala Harris Losing Staffers Left and Right – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris Losing Staffers Left and Right


Another key aide is leaving Vice President Kamala Harris’ office following the departure of two other advisors.

Vincent Evans, Harris’ deputy director of public engagement and intergovernmental affairs, has taken a top job at the Congressional Black Caucus, he said in a statement provided to CNBC. More

Peter Velz is going from director of press operations for Harris to a State Department protocol team, which doesn’t sound like a move upwards. Here

VP staff who left in December Here

Are all these departures a signal that Harris isn’t going to assume the Presidency anytime soon? Why leave now if her ascendancy is forthcoming? – Dr. Tar

14 Comments on Kamala Harris Losing Staffers Left and Right

  1. OT (apologies)Ted Cruz was just on Tucker trying to explain his ham-fisted dopey comments yesterday calling the Jan 6 events as a “terrorist attack”, and Tucker was having none of it, to his credit.

    As soon as this clip goes on youtube one of the authors should post it, I’ve never seen Cruz tap dance so hard, seeing his entire political career go up in smoke. It was a site to behold.

  2. “Are all these departures a signal that Harris isn’t going to assume the Presidency anytime soon? Why leave now if her ascendancy is forthcoming? – Dr. Tar”

    They’ve overplayed their hand. The idiots could not foretell being stuck with 2 retards, not just one.

  3. @Dr. Tar: “Are all these departures a signal that Harris isn’t going to assume the Presidency anytime soon? Why leave now if her ascendancy is forthcoming?”

    IMO, the Dem honchos are in a panic right now over the prospect of Joey Stools coming entirely unglued or even croaking and then being stuck with Kakamala. They do NOT want a President Harris, and a President Pelosi stinks, too.

    I’d bet that Kakamala will be out of a job by the ides of March.

  4. My guess is that her staffers suck just as much as she.
    (no, not that kind of suck)
    Greasy opportunists who are offered better positions and/or more money.
    They’ve made their connections and can easily move into Wall Street, the Foundations, the Media, or Academia.
    She can’t be any greater an asshole than … say … Dr. Jill? A virtual impossibility.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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