Kamala Harris Nods As Student Accuses Israel Of “Ethnic Genocide”: “Your Truth Cannot Be Suppressed” – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris Nods As Student Accuses Israel Of “Ethnic Genocide”: “Your Truth Cannot Be Suppressed”

19 Comments on Kamala Harris Nods As Student Accuses Israel Of “Ethnic Genocide”: “Your Truth Cannot Be Suppressed”

  1. That student sounds like a brainwashed little commie.
    Wait til she’s out of school and having to pay her own way on her art history degree.
    Kommiela’s only talent is bobbing her head up and down.

  2. beachmom
    SEPTEMBER 29, 2021 AT 11:18 AM

    “Kommiela’s only talent is bobbing her head up and down.”

    …well, that, and having a darker skin. Those are pretty much everything that got her where she is today.

  3. These students were selected as the cream of the crop at George Mason University? inarticulate and ignorant, but still smarter than Kamelface. Old George is spinning in his grave at 7000 RPM.

  4. Wtf. I am a first generation American. My parents came as children after ww2 (legally). I was raised to work my ass off and make my own way. Now they all expect free shit that I am paying for up the wazoo tax wise. How quickly things change. Anyone know if there’s still a good island nation to retire too?

  5. Christy944, my grandparents came to the US from Canada in the late 50’s with 6 daughters.
    They had to have a sponsor and my grandfather had to prove he could support them all and not be a burden on the state.
    They had been farmers so were used to working hard. They worked their tails off and owned their own home and an apt building.
    Nowadays that would be called racist to expect immigrants to not be on welfare.
    Cayman Islands are tax friendly.
    If things get bad enough I think those banks will be busier than ever.

  6. Would you rather dan be a palestinman sin israel today, or a poor black man in america. America hands down even with all the turmoils. Guess what mr soros palestinian lives matter every bit as much (before God) even as blacks and jews. I think the dear constitutional principle americans used to all stand on is all.men are created equal, and the biblical principle is yes God is NO respecter of persons bibis. (this may come to a shock to some here but that means to jew as to gentile as to black and yes even to dear palestinman bibi but what do I know)

  7. There is no such thing as “my truth” and “your truth”, there is only “THE TRUTH”!! Obviously, an attorney/AG should know this, maybe kameltoe got her law licence from one of our woke universities!! After all, a female of color could get her degree without even showing up for class!!!

  8. ‘Ethnic Genocide’ is what the democrats and their collaborating accomplices are guilt of as seen in their bogus crt and the hidden klansmen and neo-nazis members among them, including the lifelong supremacist Joe Biden. Add that their demands for non-whites to be vaccine-chained is just one example of dems’ hoods sliding down from their skulls to cover their faces as pretentious ‘covid prevention masks’.


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