Kamala Harris Should Be Disbarred – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris Should Be Disbarred

With zero evidence of any wrongdoing, Kamala Harris calls for Brett Kavanaugh’s impeachment. Is this the way she conducted herself as a prosecutor?


The outcry comes amid newly surfaced sexual misconduct claims against Kavanaugh from his time at Yale University.

When he testified before the Senate last year, Kavanaugh denied all allegations of impropriety.

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., said after the new report that “Brett Kavanaugh lied to the U.S. Senate and most importantly to the American people.” She tweeted, “He must be impeached.”


Seriously? Some stupid poofter claims that he saw something happen in the 80s and that’s good enough for Harris to impeach a sitting Supreme Court judge? That’s the way this works in Harrisland?

This disqualifies her from a presidency and she should be disbarred.

15 Comments on Kamala Harris Should Be Disbarred

  1. What the 2020 dems are saying, their attitudes, their lies and ignorance — all this shows what kind of person each is — and what kind of president they would be. Any of them would be worse than Barry O and a true embarrassment to our country. The dems cannot produce a knowledgeable candidate of quality.

  2. I don’t think this is specific to Harris’s scruples or lack thereof but rather is just another shot across the bow of any conservative jurist that would consider a posting by Trump to the federal bench. It’s a message saying quite clearly that if you accept a post that the smear and attack campaign will never be over. I don’t know if this will ever change until unfounded attacks are in turn attacked back in a massive and hugely damning legal and financial assault against the liar touting these unfounded and slanderous allegations.

    As far as Harris getting disbarred it will never happen. Liberal Democrats always surrender their shingles before they’re taken away (Bill and Hillary, Obama and Mooch) and the same would occur with Harris.

  3. When this clown car first left the DNC headquarters people thought Harris would be the one to beat and that she could be a real threat to Trump.
    Boy were they wrong! The more she talks, the dumber she sounds.
    She doesn’t come across as likeable either.

  4. The Demonrat party continues to demonstrate their devotion to Satan and hatred for America, he is the father of all lies and they will do anything and say anything in his service.

    Harris is just another demon in an army of Demonrats & Rinos from the uni-party of globalist hate mongers. Like all the other demons her soul is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Devil.

    Ruth Ginsberg is another demon on the way back to her master and any lie will suffice to mitigate the disaster of losing a demon on the SC.

    I do fear that our duly elected and beloved President Donald J. Trump is but a speed bump on America’s road to the hell of the end times, but perhaps God is graciously allowing us yet one more chance to repent as a Nation.

    I pray Gods protection continues to keep him safe from the demonic hatred displayed daily by Satans minions.


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