Kamala Harris: Trump ‘Needs to Go Back to Where He Came From’ – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris: Trump ‘Needs to Go Back to Where He Came From’

I’ll take, ‘Things that a 4 year old brat would say” for 1000, Alex.


Tuesday at a campaign event in Davenport, IA, 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) addressed President Donald Trump’s tweets, which began with the president asking progressive lawmakers to “go back and fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came.”

Harris said, “I will tell you what my mother told me; Don’t you ever let anyone tell you who you are, you tell them who you are. Period. And we will speak as who we are. We are Americans. And we will speak with the authority of that voice and all the license and authority that comes with that voice, which is to speak truth to power, which is to speak to the ideals and promises of who we are as a nation, to speak to the aspirations of who we are.”

“And speak knowing and remembering the history of who we are,” she added. “And speak with the authority that comes with the strength of knowing, out of many come one. That’s who we are. He needs to go back to where he came from.”

20 Comments on Kamala Harris: Trump ‘Needs to Go Back to Where He Came From’

  1. cage match- Trump vs the tramp

    she’s an anchor baby. She has to protest about something else, in order to keep that topic out of any conversation.
    her mother told her… blah, blah, blah That must be her mother who never became a US citizen and took the witch to Canada at age 7 and kept her there until after she graduated from high school.

  2. He can’t, because where he is originally from is from is being taken over by African, Asian and Middle Eastern Muslims who, themselves, hate both the United States and the European countries to which they have immigrated.

  3. Omar is an anti-American, moslem, brother marrying, tax cheating refugee from Somalia. Tlaib has stated in so many words that she is the “palestinian” representative (moslem) of the US congress. AOC claims she is “puerto rican” (which although a territory of the US, it is still not recognized as a state) and openly supports communist policies. Pressley is a common, mal-educated “race-monger” with a low IQ that has no ideological or “spiritual” connection to America or its ideals.

    All of these people’s emotional and spiritual connections lie with other cultures / countries as they have all espoused. They have no love for America or its native peoples as has been proven many times over by their own words and actions. While they may have American citizenship, every on of them are un (anti)-American in their world views and philosophical outlooks.

    President Trump simply stated the facts for anyone that is sane that if they like those countries / ideologies better than America, they should go back to those countries / ideologies that they claim to be in love with instead of being a fifth column here in the US, and trying to destroy our culture and society from within.

    There was nothing “racist” or even offensive in Trump’s words to a sane, honest to goodness American patriot. He’s only getting flak because his truth “bombs” hit the targets. And the spineless excuses for republicans (conservatives) by falsely accusing him of racism have now outed themselves as being fellow travelers with the “jihad squad” against America. At least now we know who to primary and vote out of power.

  4. What they are really saying is that they resent the prosperity and freedom that was created by caucasians in this country while the dark skinned people of the world lived in poverty. If you have it it must be because you exploited us to get it.
    Now we’re inside and we’re going to destroy what you’ve created because you represent something that our inferior cultures could not. You’re white and we hate you.

  5. They won’t be happy until the United States, the plum of the planet, is swirling counterclockwise down the big Socialist Toilet! They only way they can win is to drag everything down to their personal level of Suck, the absolute lowest common denominator.

  6. “Kamala Harris: Trump ‘Needs to Go Back to Where He Came From’”

    Shut up cameltoeHarris, Trump isn’t the one complaning about America, nor is he a communist like the 4 ***ts opening up their pie holes.


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