Kamala Has Another Embarrassing Failure As Talking Points Take a Hit During Remarks in NC – IOTW Report

Kamala Has Another Embarrassing Failure As Talking Points Take a Hit During Remarks in NC


The Democrats and their acolytes in the mainstream media want to paint a picture of excitement for Kamala Harris. We saw her have a couple of large rallies, aided by having musicians at the events. But then her campaign lied about the Trump rallies, claiming she had large events while he had empty seats. Their proof? They posted pictures of the rally before Trump got there. If there’s one thing they don’t want to do, it’s to take on Donald Trump on crowd size because they just look silly and desperate. 

But that’s not a situation that’s sustainable, and the truth was bound to come out. In her last couple of appearances she’s getting more of a “Kamala” number. As our sister site PJ Media explained, for her big economic remarks in North Carolina she had a grand total 250. Not 25,000. Not 2,500. Two hundred and fifty. And that’s reported by the Kamala camp. Other local reports indicated more like 200, with a bunch of Democratic politicians there as well. It looked pretty sparse, so I wonder if that even was a generous assessment.  READ MORE

10 Comments on Kamala Has Another Embarrassing Failure As Talking Points Take a Hit During Remarks in NC

  1. Call girls aren’t noted for their brains. Kamala is a real no-brainer.

    Congratulations! Democrats. By the way, I never thought I’d say this, but she makes 1968 Hubert Humphrey look like a Patriot.

  2. While this is true, and Kommie-la is the most bullshit candidate the democlucks have ever put forward… well… yeah, it’s close but she and no balls Walz are the tag team most pathetic… they’re still going to be installed if that is what the owners want.


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