Kamala On J6: “Donald Trump left us the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.” – IOTW Report

Kamala On J6: “Donald Trump left us the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.”


In a horribly disgraceful moment in American history, on Tuesday night Kamala Harris claimed the January 6 protests at the US Capitol where four Trump supporters were killed was the worst attack on US soil since the Civil War.

Kamala Harris told the American public, “Donald Trump left us the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.”

What a disgusting lie.

There are 3,000 American and foreign families who beg to differ.

Kamala said this the day before the 22nd anniversary of the 9-11 terrorist attacks on America. more

11 Comments on Kamala On J6: “Donald Trump left us the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.”

  1. Why hold back? Obviously the most disgusting act perpetrated on humanity since the Crucifixion of Christ. Pretty funny she made the jump to the civil war. If she gets elected we’re going to have another one.

  2. It’s all so high school.
    I remember when we would all pile in one car and go spray paint the rival school’s sign before the big game.
    The next day, they would be apoplectic and cry that it was the worst attack in the history of their school.
    Not much has changed with these whiny ass grown children.

  3. Or TP the other high school or with the cheerleaders chanting Rah rah ree, kick em in the knee, Rah rah rass, kick em in the ass. Or yelling at the other school’s sports teams that they suck ducks or blow goats, yep, I’m guilty of those when I was a dumbass teenager. Or better yet Ruby begonia whatever the hell that means. And the other schools were just as bad or worse in calling their rival high schools names. It was a rite of passage growing up back then and probably hasn’t changed much since then either.

  4. Bad_Brad
    Wednesday, 11 September 2024, 21:12 at 9:12 pm
    “Why hold back? Obviously the most disgusting act perpetrated on humanity since the Crucifixion of Christ. ”

    …Kamel probably thinks Christ DESERVED it, seeing as how he was anti-abortion and all, and none too keen on adultery either…

  5. SNS

    That debate bugged the fuck out of me. Sometimes it takes me a minute these days to figure out why something bugged me. Well it finally came to me that what bugs the hell out of me about that debate is that in participating Trump lowered himself to their level. Is Harris even a serious person? I think not. Nice facial contortions though. What was that? 90 minutes? And no one knows any more about her policies than they did before the debate. If he does another debate with her he’s nuts.

  6. If he does another debate with her, make sure it is at a fair venue like Fox News.
    He has agreed to two of their location choices, it’s now time to agree to his.
    That won’t happen of course, but at least he should demand another debate on his terms and put the ball in their court.


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