Kamala to Add Gun Violence to Her Portfolio – IOTW Report

Kamala to Add Gun Violence to Her Portfolio

Just the News

Vice President Kamala Harris will lead a new federal office on gun violence prevention, according to the White House.

President Biden is expected Friday to announce the start of the Office of Gun Violence Prevention and Harris’ role, according to Politico.

Harris said in advance of the official announcement the new office will “play a critical role in implementing President Biden’s and my efforts to reduce violence to the fullest extent under the law, while also engaging and encouraging congressional leaders, state and local leaders, and advocates to come together to build upon the meaningful progress that we have made to save lives. More

24 Comments on Kamala to Add Gun Violence to Her Portfolio

  1. She should study the habits/morality of her Oakland constituents.
    It’s one of the most violent cities in the country, always has been. I’m certain the demographics has nothing to do with that, cause diversity is our strength.

  2. What a load of bullshit.
    Thinly veiled attack on the Second Amendment.
    By putting the word “gun” in the title they’ve given away the game.
    If they were attacking “violence” their lies might make some sense, though I have very little doubt that she has the most infinitesimal knowledge and understanding (or none at all) of the causes of violence or the ways of combatting it.

    She’s a fucking liar, and not a very good one at that.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I don’t think that’s going to be a fair comparison with her border job.
    They want to flood the country with illegals, but gun violence (read gun rights) is something entirely different. These people have no good intentions within them.

  4. This might be one of the very few things she knows how to do. She was the California AG that came up with what we affectionately call Gunmaggedon. I believe it was 18 new gun bills all combined. She got it passed.


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