Kamala’s ‘Campaign of Joy’ Was Also a Nazi Campaign – IOTW Report

 Kamala’s ‘Campaign of Joy’ Was Also a Nazi Campaign

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9 Comments on  Kamala’s ‘Campaign of Joy’ Was Also a Nazi Campaign

  1. Did they purposely give the campaign a name which echoes a Nazi campaign, or did they call it the “Campaign of Joy” because Kamala is always a sloppy, giddy drunk at campaign rallies, and they have to explain it away somehow.

    I know, I know…embrace the power of “and”.

  2. Joy, or fulfillment, is a topic that Fr Robert Spitzer SJ covers in depth in his book and CD series, the Four Levels of Happiness. I think that is the title anyway. I’ve heard him speak numerous times and this cat’s the real deal. Joy is just one more concept the progressive/Marxist/Satanist movement has co-opted and is attempting to exploit to advance Satan’s agenda.

    The progressive/Marxist/Satanist movement offers absolutely nothing positive. It’s based on an illusion and its stock in trade is false promises. Nothing anyone with rudimentary powers of observation and pattern recognition should not have recognized by now.

  3. The Chinese are big on the word Joy too. Look at all the products with the word Joy in the name and Commnunists contantly hammer the populace with the idea that they should be joyful at their situation brought by their “leaders”.

  4. The “Strength thru Joy” campaign was used in the 1930’s when Nazi Germany was a nice country, before it turned mean

    So stop playing the Nazi card, Fascists!


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