Kamental Harris Ties Natural Disasters To Global Warming – IOTW Report

Kamental Harris Ties Natural Disasters To Global Warming

In her first major speech after announcing her run for the presidency, Kamala Harris peddled climate crapola.

“Everybody here knows from wildfires in the west to hurricanes in the east to floods and droughts in the heartland, but we’re not going to buy the lie, we’re going to act based on science fact, not science fiction.”

Daily Caller-

A look through the U.S. government’s fourth National Climate Assessment (NCA) shows little evidence for what Harris claims “everybody knows” about global warming. In fact, there’s little evidence and low confidence in tying global warming to many types of natural disasters.

Let’s start with western wildfires. The NCA, released in 2017, found “low to medium confidence for a detectable human climate change contribution in the western United States based on existing studies.”

For Atlantic hurricanes, the NCA found an increase since the 1970s, but noted “there is still low confidence that any reported long-term (multidecadal to centennial) increases in TC activity are robust, after accounting for past changes in observing capabilities.”

Furthermore, this is backed up by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) finding, last updated in June, that “it is premature to conclude that human activities — and particularly greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming — have already had a detectable impact on hurricane activity.”

“Analysis of 200 U.S. stream gauges indicates areas of both increasing and decreasing flooding magnitude but does not provide robust evidence that these trends are attributable to human influences,” the NCA reported in regards to flooding.


I rate her Four FullOfShitniks—


15 Comments on Kamental Harris Ties Natural Disasters To Global Warming

  1. The globalists have to keep pushing this global warming/climate change manufactured crisis to keep the focus of as many people possible from the real crisis, which is them and their purposeful flooding of ignorant, violent, homicidal savages to destroy western civilization.

    Why have there not been charges of treason brought against people elected to office who are now openly breaking the law and advocating for communism and the destruction of our Constitution?


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