Kansas U Students Want Administration To Make Barf Bags Available Post Super Bowl – IOTW Report

Kansas U Students Want Administration To Make Barf Bags Available Post Super Bowl

Campus Reform

The University of Kansas student senate voted on a resolution calling on the chancellor to cancel classes on the Monday after the Super Bowl or at least scatter bags around campus for students who have to go to class after a long night of partying and drinking.

While introducing the resolution, one student leader pointed out that 75 percent of students at KU are from Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska and are “inclined to root for the [Kansas City] Chiefs” as they take on the San Francisco 49ers at the Super Bowl in Miami on Sunday. More

20 Comments on Kansas U Students Want Administration To Make Barf Bags Available Post Super Bowl

  1. At the beginning of the year, students should have requested fees be raised to cover barf bags, distribution and storage. And the numbers required per incident. Dissemination methods, etc.

  2. Maybe our Institutions of Higher Education should include classes on self discipline.

    LCD, I’ve got no dawg in the super bowl fight. In fact even though I live in NorCal I have a tendency to route against those teams. However it turns out the Santa Clara 49ers have several vocal pro Trump team members. Who’d a thunk it.

  3. Hey take it easy…..just going to Lawrence Kansas makes you want to vomit….

    And a bunch of Chiefs players are pro Trump…..That being said, I was a Chiefs fan in the late 60’s/ early 70’s because I wanted to play middle linebacker just like Willie Lanier the middle linebacker for the Chiefs…..

    GO CHIEFS!!!….

  4. I’m tired of the sense of superiority others get out scorning what someone else might enjoy. Both my wife and I are getting over the flu and I for one am looking forward to something other than feeling like shit. I’m watching the game, I don’t care what anyone else does.

  5. “nigger farming faggots”

    1. punk rock band name

    2. chapter 7 in Mein Kampf

    3. sequel to Steinbecks grapes of wrath

    4. the only people to not be on carpool karaoke

    5. what that crazy guy was actually signing at nelson mandellas

    6. title of FDRs undelivered fireside chat.

    7. newest career for Barbie

    8. from the makers of big gay ice cream…..

    9. what really killed jeffrey epstein

    10. least popular game of thrones character

  6. Different Tim, I didn’t say superiority complex. That would indicate repeated behavior. You’re probably a fine guy, I might be a bit ornery when I don’t feel so hot, and especially when my wife doesn’t feel so hot.

  7. Joe6, truly sorry you and the wife are under the weather. I really am. I just made a decision years ago when they disrespected the flag of the country I love. There were never apologies from the league or the players and that bothered me then and it still does. Hell, I hate bananas but other people like them. I’ll never stop saying I hate bananas. I don’t look down on anybody watching the game but at the same time I just want to be able to express my opinion. Get well, drink lots of fluids and enjoy the game! If I still watched I’d root for the Chiefs because the niners started all this crap.

  8. joe6pak:

    I agree with you. I watched the game and enjoyed the sports part of it, the national anthem, the fly over & America the beautiful and the game.

    Me and all of the MEN went outside in the garage for a cigar and missed every second of the of the 2 chicken pluckers screaming & jumping around during half time.

    Hope everybody feels better if they have been sick!!!!!!!


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