Karen wants to speak to the manager about the “Karen” Memes – IOTW Report

Karen wants to speak to the manager about the “Karen” Memes

Adam Ford at Disrn

The Karen meme had a good run, but it’s finished. This Karen killed it.

A literal Karen โ€” by which I mean a woman named Karen โ€” sent me an angry email because I used the term “Karen” to describe an angry woman yelling at other women about “white privilege” in my latest podcast episode.

Behold Karen, the Queen of all Karens and slayer of the Karen meme More

31 Comments on Karen wants to speak to the manager about the “Karen” Memes

  1. She just proved she’s a true blue Karen with no sense of humor. ๐Ÿ˜‚

    My name is the title of an old horror movie as well as the villain in said movie. I laugh along with jokes about that instead of getting my panties in a bunch.

  2. I think the new meme should be called Cynthia. The insurance commercial with the HOA Nazi complaining about hedge height and not flattening boxes for recycling. Karen had a good run and should not be forgotten. Hmmm . . . Karen and Cynthia? Sung to the tune of Ebony and Ivory?

  3. @WGG

    I heartily endorse your proposal. I actually have two sisters named Lisa and Karen … and Lisa is far more of a Karen than Karen

    Lisa is a SuperKaren — an OberstKarenfuehrer, if you will. Meanwhile, Karen is not a Karen at all — she’s the sweetest and most apolitical of my four sisters, while Lisa is the most obnoxiously proggo.

  4. I have a sister named Karen and will inform her shortly that she must choose a new name. I’ll prolly get lectured. (She has a Masters degree in Chemistry and is vewy smaat.)

  5. Well, lets see. Older sister Cathy went to Stanford but somehow stayed pretty reasonable until the last few years, when some sort of mindworm implanted in her brain during the Stanford years has devoured her brain and now she’s in terminal stages of TDR

    And baby sister Marya has been your basic ultralib most of her life. And even though shes closest in age to Karen, she’s really not much of a Karen. Always been a sweet girl, much like Karen

  6. BTW .. like a good proggie, baby sis Marya Bird lives in NYC

    And it just so happened that she was visiting Karen in Dallas when the Covid shit hit the fan in NYC
    Now she’s been Karen’s house guest for 3 months

  7. ….HMMMM….named after a particularly horrendous female Demonrat?….that doesn’t really nail it down…..hmmmm….Have you climbed the world’s tallest mountain wearing an ancestors costume?…..

  8. I had a good laugh with a waiter the other day. I told him he didnโ€™t need to wear a mask around me, then we talked a bit about the hazards of wearing them, then I told him the absolute worst part of this whole charade has been that my name is Karen. He laughed so hard and gave me a high five. (Gasp! So unsanitary, lol!)

  9. Sorry Karen, someone’s name has got to be used, and yours is the one. Get over it. Embrace it, even.

    As an aside, my sister’s name is Karen, and she is definitely the prototype of the “Karen” meme

  10. My sister is named Karin. The German edition. There was always something to eye roll with her.

    I dubbed her husband St Larry for putting up with her and I thanked him for loving her, because she really was hard to be with.

    They’re both gone now and I miss them both. She wasn’t trying to be, uh, trying. It came naturally.

    One mild eye roll I had was when we went to a gun show near the end of her life. On one table, there was a 30″ rod that looked like a file it was so rough. “I think this is for cleaning your barrel” Me, calmly, while still looking at items on the table: ‘Remind me to never ask you to clean my guns.’ Some guy standing behind us guffawed at our exchange.

    That was typical of my Karin. So far off track – not worth an argument. Just keep your valuables away from her reach and control.


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