Kari Lake Bribed to Drop Senate Bid – IOTW Report

Kari Lake Bribed to Drop Senate Bid


The Daily Mail is reporting on a story where Arizona Republican Chairman Jeff DeWit is caught on tape offering a bribe to Kari Lake on behalf of “people back east.” {Direct Rumble Link}

The voices “back east” surrounding republican Senate races are not exactly a surprise. Yeah, it’s obviously Mitch McConnell and the multinational corporate benefactors from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce who fund the UniParty construct. Apparently, the conversation was Jeff DeWit, 51, chair of the Arizona Republican Party, asking Kari Lake, a close ally of Donald Trump, to name her price to stay out of politics for two years. More

7 Comments on Kari Lake Bribed to Drop Senate Bid

  1. Ruh Roh. Were I DeWit I’d be a bit uncomfortable. Those “back east” are most likely displeased. Those types aren’t very forgiving and play for keeps. DC is nothing more than a vast criminal enterprise on both sides of the aisle. Activity like this would rise to RICO status. Where’s the curiosity of the “authorities”?

  2. I’m with Vicious Sid – DeWitless stepped on his johnson on this one and should be looking over his shoulder until his neck seizes up… probably didn’t realize the conversation was being recorded, but hey, who wouldn’t when dealing with these snakes!


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