Kari Lake Zings Slick Willy After He Calls Her “Physically Attractive”  – IOTW Report

Kari Lake Zings Slick Willy After He Calls Her “Physically Attractive” 

“As a middle-aged woman, I’m flattered. I’m flattered, okay? I don’t get those kind of compliments every day. Two, I thought I was a little too old for him…” MORE

7 Comments on Kari Lake Zings Slick Willy After He Calls Her “Physically Attractive” 

  1. I’m not going to lie, this woman scares the hell out of me. Don’t get me wrong, I’d vote twice for her if I could. But I’m willing to bet there are zero toilet seats left up in her house. Ever. And God help you if you did.

  2. Latest polling shows her still down about 10 percentage points. Like Tulsi, this woman needs to be in a leadership role.

    The wife and I mailed in our ballots this morning, I was going to stick them in the mailbox but the wife told me she does not trust our mailman since we get stuff from the RNC, so she drove them to the post office. And as usual, the local (city and county) propositions were all on new bond initiatives, more money going to government, it never ends.

  3. ^^^^^^
    They’re running polls with out her name on them. It’s a joke. We were just in Maricopa County and it’s no big secret what’s going on. They have a bunch of fake Republicans that got elected and they’re about ready to get lynched. Trump’s way up in all of AZ. You’re not going to vote for Trump and not vote for Lake. The town of Prescott is flying a banner over their town square that reads Prescott supports Donald Trump.

  4. Rich, I’m doing the early voting in person for the first time next Monday, here in Vegas.
    I don’t trust the Post Office.
    For them to endorse a candidate, any candidate stinks of corruption.

  5. Ms. Lake is indeed attractive for many reasons. Two of the biggest reasons for me are she doesn’t have her neckline down to her navel, and second she doesn’t have her hemline up to her butt. With that, she also displays composure and intelligence, qualities absent from anything found on the Left.


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