Karl Rove Opens His Rolodex for Ben Carson – IOTW Report

Karl Rove Opens His Rolodex for Ben Carson

BigGovernment: Republican strategist Karl Rove helped set up a meeting between top fundraisers for Ben Carson and casino mogul Steve Wynn.


Rove confirmed to Bloomberg Politics that he acted as the go-between for the Carson camp and Wynn, a sometimes business competitor of Donald Trump, the rival Carson has been batting all fall for the Republican nomination.

“I introduced them but I don’t know anything further about that,” said Rove, who added that he did not attend the meeting.

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10 Comments on Karl Rove Opens His Rolodex for Ben Carson

  1. I like Carson in a cabinet position, maybe associated with cleaning up health care disasters. I don’t see him as an equal match to the congress and the courts, in the balance of power triangle.

    Trump is the power house to break up the Obama ménage à trois, whilst setting a course for Crus control.

  2. I’ma tellin’ you, we have an opportunity to break up the hold of special interests on our electoral process and we’d be nuts not to at least try. How many more times in this century will we be presented with that? My estimate is a big fat zero.

  3. “I introduced them but I don’t know anything further about that,” said Rove, who added that he did not attend the meeting.

    I call BS, Rove knows everything. I thought Wynn was smarter than to meet with a hammer and knife carrying black guy ready to beat his mother over the head, and stab a relative. Trump may be a competitor of Wynns, but to throw money at a black thug? I don’t think so.

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