Kash Patel says Mar-A-Lago raid was to prevent the disclosure of Russiagate corruption – IOTW Report

Kash Patel says Mar-A-Lago raid was to prevent the disclosure of Russiagate corruption

Pacific Pundit: Well well well.. If what Kash Patel is saying is accurate, it looks like the raid on Mar-A-Lago was an effort by the corrupt FBI and corrupt DOJ Garland to prevent Trump from releasing declassified documents exposing their phony Russiagate witch hunt. The way the American KGB has become (the FBI) and Merrick Garland, this doesn’t exactly sound that far fetched of an idea either. Funny, how you haven’t heard a thing about those “nuke codes” that the corrupt media was originally spewing about the documents seized during the raid on Mar-A-Lago. Although not verified yet, I could totally believe this! Watch:

16 Comments on Kash Patel says Mar-A-Lago raid was to prevent the disclosure of Russiagate corruption

  1. Frankly I think the Mar-A-Lago raid was a mixed bad of all kinds of objectives:
    Confiscate Russiagate corruption evidence.
    Confiscate anything related to the RICO lawsuit against Hillary Clinton.
    Confiscate Melania’s underwear to be sold to the highest bidder (or just for their own jollies)
    Confiscate anything else that looks good. (Hillary put in a special request for silverware)

  2. I believe it! The continuing criminal enterprise, also known as the federal government, is so corrupted they believe in the righteousness of anything and everything that they do.

  3. Which is exactly the same purpose I was REALLY meant to serve. Getting Trump would have been nice, but my primary purpose was to have absolute authority to seize and destroy every document and to frighten or mark for death every witness that could prove to be damaging to the Democrats.

    We own all the power of government, and you have none.

    We can do this as many times as we like, and you cannot stop us because you are cowards.

    Just like I told them you were the whole time.

  4. DOJ and FBI should be fearing the absolute wrath of God at this moment. They have brought shame, shame on our People, shame on our Country and shame on our Founders. This WILL NOT stand!

  5. The criminal enterprise that has taken total control of the Federal Government will do everything in its power to keep Donald Trump from the presidency. This is because he poses a mortal threat to their corruption.

  6. @Xray August 30, 2022 at 11:03 am

    > Like Trump wouldn’t have copies.

    Of course he has copies. As he’s had the originals for more than three years now. So. What?

  7. @Brown Eyed Girl August 30, 2022 at 11:22 am

    > If this is true, then why was he sitting on it?

    For the same reason Patriots(TM) have so many guns and ammo.

  8. @BillyTwoKnives August 30, 2022 at 12:22 pm

    > This is because he poses a mortal threat to their corruption.

    He had an army on the wrong side of The Rubicon Potomac.

    He is a prized asset of their “corruption”. Illionaires gotta ill.

  9. @Anonymous
    AUGUST 30, 2022 AT 11:44 AM
    “Says the informant as named in the search warrant. Soon to be a wanted man for snitching on the Don.”

    You actually think the FIB would actually disclose the name of the real mole in the Trump organization? The FIB may be evil and corrupt, but they aren’t completely stupid. Classic misdirection.

  10. So the Anonymous Pedo loving troll thinks his side has the truth. Ok Lucifer lover:

    Leak 1 – Garland had nothing hing to do with the raid.

    He approved it.

    Leak 2 – MAGAKING had nuclear documents.

    He didn’t.

    Leak 3 Pedo didn’t know

    He approved the reclass of the declass documents to set the whole thing up. Actually he didn’t know he just signed the reclass when they put it in front of him before he got his ice cream cone,but Rice knew and planned the raid with Garland and ValJar.

    Everything they have leaked so far is a lie. PDJT lawyers will file an amended 41G and get everything seized returned by the Special Master.

    The Hunter Biden coverup will make Watergate look like a episode of the Office.

    Wray and Garland will be forced out to protect the Pedo before the midterms. Rhinehart will recuse and the whole tainted investigation will fall apart.

    The seized documents showing full involvement of the Clinton’s, Obama, and Biden will be exposed and the FBI and DOJ will be purged.

    Biden will resign or be impeached.


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