Kasich is going to fix the GOP – IOTW Report

Kasich is going to fix the GOP

DC: Kasich Squashes Rumors Of POTUS Bid But Promises To Restore Pre-Trump GOP

 Ohio Gov. John Kasich dismissed rumors of a presidential bid Sunday shortly after suggesting he can bring the GOP “back” to where it presumably was before President Donald Trump was elected.“We should care about people from top to bottom, not just those at the top,” he told CNN’s Jake Tapper. “I can bring that party back. That’s what I’m going to do in one way or another.” Kasich did not specify how the party had been led astray, but he did suggest that the “Republican Party left me.”

Kasich did not directly address his opinion of Trump during the interview, but he has been critical of the president and the Republican party since his 2016 presidential campaign ended ignominiously. more here

25 Comments on Kasich is going to fix the GOP

  1. The Country Club,Kasich/Boehner/Ryan/Collins/Murlowski GOP compromisers will soon be in minority status, rightfully so.
    The BIG Tent GOP method of watering down your principles to attract voters has failed miserably.
    They have been so strongly influenced by the “big Government” democrat party and special interest groups they no longer recognize the principles of the Republican party.
    Kasich is not a fixer of problems, he and those like him are the problem.

    The spread of evil is the symptom of a vacuum. Whenever evil wins, it is only by default: by the moral failure of those who evade the fact that there can be no compromise on basic principles.
    Ayn Rand

  2. Because it was so much better before Trump?
    Crappy trade deals, ISIS running amok, Norks and Iranians pursuing their militaristic ambitions unabated, higher taxes, more regulations, and open borders.

    Ah. The good old days.

  3. He’ll bring the insurmountable brainpower only a humble son of a mail carrier can bring to bear.
    Cheer up, our troubles will soon be in the past thanks to this great man.

  4. If we build them a playhouse, will they call it their own? And leave us alone?

    I’m thinking “The United Constitutional Socialist Party. Hey, look! We’re not the communists.”

  5. I haven’t donated to the RNC or any of its myriad subsidiaries in a decade because of RINO shitweasels (twatwaffles? I get the two confused) like Kasich.

    Fuck em. A pox on the Mensheviks.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. “bring the GOP “back” to where it presumably was before President Donald Trump was elected.“

    huh, back to being the scape goats for the dems ?

    yes, that will win elections.

  7. …when a son of a U.S. postal worker grows wings and flies. Maybe the hallucinogens Kasich must be on will get him that high, but it won’t change the GOP RINOS.


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