Kasich Open To Deal With Cruz To Secure Brokered Convention – IOTW Report

Kasich Open To Deal With Cruz To Secure Brokered Convention

Kasich is open to a deal with Cruz to secure an open convention by splitting the vote so Trump cannot reach the required 50% threshold of available delegates.

Kasich firmly believes he will win a contested convention and that he is the only candidate able to defeat Hillary in November.

What if Kasich is right? What if polling shows he is the only candidate that can defeat Hillary?

American Spectator Flashback –  What’s Wrong With John Kasich? (A lot!)

22 Comments on Kasich Open To Deal With Cruz To Secure Brokered Convention

  1. Kasich open to selling his soul and that of his family and children and all Americans – not to mention the world – to do absolutely anything it takes to become President of the United States. Anything.

    VP is an option as well.

  2. Just when it seems that this campaign season couldn’t get any more bizarre, we get this. I thought I had enough popcorn in the pantry for the long haul but it looks like I should go out and pick up another case or three.

  3. If Trump is the nominee, I guarantee long lines at the polls.
    Kasich? Crickets. I wouldn’t bother to vote.

    Remember voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil.

  4. You’re taking polling results now seriously? RR was down to Carter by 30 points in March/80. It was one of the bludgeons the GOPe was using to undermine his run for the nomination. I’ve read that Carter’s internal polling in Oct told him it was hopeless.

    Trump will dismantle Hillary in the general. Combine his incredible innate political instincts with both his fuck you left dominated media & his 100% disregard for PC and what little wetness Hillary can muster is running down her leg just thinking about it. He’s been calling out her lack of stamina for months and bet your ass there’s going to be something, she’ll faint, she’ll cough up a lung, she’ll get super disorientated…something…

    Kasich must be taking the same drugs as Beck. I’m growing to really dislike the asshole.

  5. As I understand it, Kasich is working for an “open” convention which occurs because nobody gets a majority vote. I understand why there is such a thing. I do believe there is a yuge difference between a “brokered” convention and an “open” one. If Kasich is sincere in wanting an “open” convention, he has almost no chance since the rules require the nominee win at least 8 states. He needs to clarify that position.

  6. I fail to see why this would be any different than past conventions.
    Kasich is going to go to the highest bidder. That is how Trump got Carson.
    Trump has positioned himself well for this. If he succeeds in outbidding, it will be his great negotiating skills. If he doesn’t, then he is standing with principle.
    That said, the closer Trump gets to a majority, the higher the price he will have to pay.
    This is politics.
    As mark Twain said “Those that respect the law and love sausage should watch neither being made”.

  7. Enough of Kasich already. He has zero chance to win the nomination. Maybe he should check for an opening at the Post Office as a mail carrier.

  8. MM – “I’m growing to really dislike the asshole.” Me too. I tolerated him early on, gave him credit for his guts staying in and some of what he accomplished as a senator. His recent 180 change, if it was really a change, of positions on some huge issues issues, though, lost me. Just another pandering, power hunger politician a-hole.

  9. Kasich should just STFU and go home. He was mathematically eliminated from the nomination last Tuesday.

    I am beyond upset at all these machinations that are being hatched in total disregard of the will of THE PEOPLE. Trump has won the most states and gotten the most delegates. He has a more than even chance to secure the remaining 559 delegates he needs to reach the magic number. He has energized a voter base like no one I have ever seen in my lifetime.

    If the RNC allows Trump’s rightful nomination to be hijacked from him, millions of pissed-off, disenfranchised Republicans are going to stay home in November. Welcome to the Oval Office, Mrs. Clinton.

  10. MM, one more. You used “innate political instincts” to describe Trump. Others do too. Along that line, I ran across the comment below, on another site, which describes what is being described as instinctive or intuitive, to be, instead, evidence of a person who takes care of obstacles with a very pragmatic, direct, style, in order to overrcome (Win!) things that stand in the way of success. Business, personnal, political whatever.

    “I doubt there’s anything instinctive about it. It’s actually quite straightforward. Trump sees an obvious problem, sees an (almost) obvious solution, and drives straight toward it. Simple enough, so far. Trump’s major innovation—his great and, I hope, lasting contribution to American politics—is that he doesn’t let the nagging irrelevancies of the PC types derail him. For this, he’s castigated as a boor, a buffoon, a crude caveman … none of which seems to bother him in the least. And it doesn’t seem to bother a rather large bunch of voters, either.”

  11. Kasich, is he the guy that told that big fat lie about a police officer who ticketed him for failure to yield by slowing down and moving over a lane when passing a stopped emergency vehicle/ Oh and this the jerk that then pulled out left into on coming traffic with his right turn signal on?

  12. Getting Kasich the nomination would be the Hailiest Maryiest thing the RNC has come up with yet. Is anyone else at least having a good laugh at their expense? I am.

    @All Too Much — Really good comment. I agree, it’s what makes Trump, Trump. And anyone who has run a business “instinct” is simply the aggregate of dealing with and solving problems with price tags (your own money) attached to them.

  13. He should go somewhere and sit down.
    Everybody but Trump is acting like the Presidency is the last bag of cocaine on the planet.
    They will cut a deal with the Devil himself to get that bag
    They will rationalize and justify
    They will dance and paw the air
    Grand alliances are plotted and re-plotted
    Then when the door starts to close on them they turn on their friends
    And their addiction assumes control

  14. This speaks volumes more
    about “outinsider” Ted Cruz.

    As far as: “What if polling shows he [Kasich] is the only candidate that can defeat Hillary?”
    It would have to be a pretty stupid poll.

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