Kasich Signs Bill Legalizing Campus Carry – IOTW Report

Kasich Signs Bill Legalizing Campus Carry

Breitbart: On Monday Ohio Governor John Kasich (R) signed Senate Bill 199, thereby legalizing concealed carry on college and university campuses where school trustees vote to allow it.

gun open carry

SB 199 also removes a state ban on concealed carry in the public areas of airports and on carrying guns for self-defense at daycares. The status of concealed carry at daycares is now in the hands of individual business owners, who can decide whether to allow concealed carry at their respective businesses.

Cleveland.com reports that SB 199 “also prohibits employers from banning concealed handgun permit holders from bringing guns into company parking lot.” The various aspects of the new law take “effect in 90 days.”  read more

7 Comments on Kasich Signs Bill Legalizing Campus Carry

  1. Why is it that the 2nd Amendment is the only Amendment that you need a permit to exercise?

    Is it a right or a privilege?
    The constitution refers to rights, the state laws act as if it’s a privilege or is it just an opportunity to get revenue and denying citizens the right to bear arms?

  2. What the problem was: The concealed carry bill kept getting watered down trying to get Republican Boob Taft to sign it. He never did; took a Democrat (Strickland) to actually sign the watered down bill. Now Buckeye Firearms Association is trying to get back all the ground that was lost watering it down. It’s been a long road.
    Disclaimer: Mr. Mxyzptlk is an NRA Certified Pistol Instructor and an IDPA Competition Shooter. And just to put it all in perspective – a full time piano tuner/technician

  3. Notice the wording “where school trustees vote to allow it”. School trustees (in my experience) are snowflake liberal academics. What are the chances that any school will have their governing board vote to approve this? Near zero. They have, in effect, veto power over the law of the land. I know this from experience. Here in Arkansas, faculty and staff of colleges can carry …if “school trustees vote to allow it”. The community college where I teach industrial technology courses votes every year to disallow this privilege for us.

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